HC Deb 07 April 1981 vol 2 c238W
23. Miss Joan Lestor

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will state the anticipated number of qualified teachers leaving colleges of education in 1981.

Dr. Boyson

Data are not available on which to base a firm forecast, but the number of students completing initial teacher training courses this summer at universities, polytechnics and colleges is likely to be in the region of 18,000, of whom, on the evidence of recent years, about 16,000 will seek teaching posts.

24. Mr. Andrew F. Bennett

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what prospects he sees for the employment of newly qualified teachers in the current year.

Dr. Boyson

On the current hypotheses about the level of wastage from teaching, about 9,000 vacancies for school teachers this summer would be consistent with a reduction in the total stock of teachers from the present level to that envisaged in Cmnd. 8175 for 1981–82. The actual number of vacancies, and the proportion of posts offered to the newly trained, will depend upon the staffing policies of individual authorities.