HC Deb 13 November 1980 vol 992 cc286-9W
Mr. Eldon Griffiths

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the broad average increase in salaries over the past two years of representative categories of the following groups of publicly employed persons: teachers in further education, firemen, civil servants, local government officers, doctors, nurses, other health service employees, coal miners, electricity workers, policemen, railway staff, train drivers, prison officers and Members of Parliament.

Mr. Jim Lester

[pursuant to his reply, 29 October 1980, c. 276]: The following figures are taken from the new earnings survey and show changes in average weekly earnings for the groups indicated.

Figures for individual years can be affected by the variable timing of pay settlements in relation to the date of the survey. Also, changes affecting many public service groups in the past two years reflect special awards based on periodic pay comparisons with comparable jobs in other sectors. Accordingly, figures are shown both for the latest two years and the latest four years.

Between April 1978 and April 1980 Between April 1976 and April 1980
Teachers in establishments for further education: men +27* +44*
Firemen: men +46 +78
Civil Service National Whitley Council:
Administration group: middle and higher grades +49† +66†
Administration group: clerical grades +47† +70†
Local authorities: administrative, professional, technical and clerical staff: men +42 +62
Medical practitioners: men +47 +74
National Health Service:
Ancillary staffs Whitley Council: men +45 +70
Nurses and midwives Whitley Council: women +50 +62
Face-trained coalminers: men +40 +90
Electricity industry: manual workers: men +68 +84
Policemen (below rank of sergeant) +56 +81
British Rail:
Footplate staff +33‡ +54§
Conciliation staff (other than footplate staff) and miscellaneous grades +32‡ +59§
Prison officers (below principal officer) +72 +117
All employees (men) in:
Public sector:
Manual +41 +68
Non-manual +41 +63
Private sector:
Manual +37 +72
Non-manual +40 +79
Whole economy:
Manual +38 +72
Non-manual +40 +73
Primary salary +24║ +94║
Source: Published reports on new earnings survey 1976 to 1980. Some 1980 still to be published.
* Excludes the effect of second stage of comparability award (payable September 1980). Does not reflect April 1980 pay settlement in the 1979–80 pay round.
† Includes the effect of the pay settlement relating to 1 April 1980 which this year was not operative until 7 May.
‡ Excludes effect of the 1980 pay settlement, but includes effect of 1978 pay settlement.
§ Excludes effect of the 1980 pay settlement, but includes effect of the 1976 pay settlement.
║ Includes second stage salary following Government proposal on TSRB 15, approved by the House on 21 July 1980.

Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether he will publish in the Official Report as much detailed information as may be readily available for the longest and most convenient stated period of time figures giving the actual or percentage increases

In addition, to set these figures in perspective, figures are also given for all public sector and all private sector employees for the same periods, distinguishing manual and non-manual employees.

The figures will reflect many influences on pay other than changes in rates of pay for a standard week. For example they reflect changes in overtime earnings and regular bonuses linked to incentive schemes. They may also reflect changes in the structure of employment, for example changes in the balance of skill and responsibility.

in the stated wages and salaries of given groups of workers in private and public employment and those granted to Members of Parliament over the same period.

Mr. Jim Lester

[pursuant to his reply, 29 October 1980, c. 276]: The following table summarises the position in the decade to 1980 for which information is available on a comparable basis from the new earnings survey.

Percentage increase, April 1970 to April 1980, expressed as an annual rate
Manual employees Non-manual employees
Public sector 16.1 15.0
Private sector 15.1 14.9
All industries and services 15.4 14.9
Source: New Earnings Survey.
Percentage increase, 13 June 1970 to 13 June 1980*, expressed as an annual rate
Parliamentary salary 13.7
* Including updated second stage salary following Government proposal on TSRB 15, approved by the House on 21 July 1980

A fuller range of details on particular groups of workers within both the public and private sectors is contained in the reports on the new earnings survey between 1970 and 1980, copies of which are available in the Library.