HC Deb 13 November 1980 vol 992 cc361-3W
Miss Richardson

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many times "ex gratia" compensation has been paid by him in each of the last 10 years, and in each case what sum was paid, to men and women who were released from prison by the Court of Appeal; and how long was the period of imprisonment which was compensated;

(2) how many times "ex gratia" compensation has been paid by him in each of the last 10 years; in each case what sum was paid to men and women who spent time in prison on remand but against whom a prosecution was not proceeded with; and how long was the period of imprisonment which was compensated;

(3) how many times "ex gratia" compensation has been paid by him in each of the last 10 years; in each case what sum was paid to men and to women who were acquitted at their trial after spending time on remand in prison; and how long was the period of imprisonment which was compensated;

(4) how many times "ex gratia" compensation has been paid by him in each of the last 10 years; in each case what sum was paid to men and women who were released from prison on a recommendation by him or his predecessors; and how long was the period of imprisonment which was compensated;

(5) whether he has any criteria of guidance on which cases of individuals who have been imprisoned are appropriate for "ex gratia" compensation; and whether he will publish such criteria;

(6) how, and according to what criteria, the amounts of awards are assessed for "ex gratia" payment to those who have been imprisoned;

(7) whether he gives reasons when he refuses to make an "ex gratia" payment to someone who has spent time in prison; if not, if he will be prepared in future to give reasons in all such cases; and if he is not prepared to give reasons, why he is not prepared to give them;

(8) how many applications for "ex gratia" payment from those who have been imprisoned he has received in each of the last 10 years; and if he will set out the answers in respect of (a) those released by the Court of Appeal, (b) those who spent time in prison or remand but against whom a prosecution was not proceeded with, (c) those who were acquitted at their trial after spending time on remand in prison and (d) those who were released from prison on a recommendation from him.

Mr. Brittan

We will send the hon. Member an explanation of the policy and practice and such of the detailed information requested as is available.

Miss Richardson

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he has decided to make an "ex gratia" payment to Peter Lewis Geonney, freed from prison by the Court of Appeal on 25 July; and if so, how much.

Mr. Brittan

Mr. Jeonney has not applied for an ex gratia payment. If he does, his application will be considered.