HC Deb 20 May 1980 vol 985 cc169-93W
Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Boundary Commission for Scotland, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body,

Members Staff
Year Total financial costs Amount disbursed Number of persons involved Salaries or equivalent Expenses Salaries* Expenses
£ £ £ £ £ £
1979–80 1,513 19 288 805 420
1978–79 2,271 19 612 1,156 503
1977–78 935 19 260 570 105
1976–77 1,818 19 477 634 707
1975–76 1,472 19 391 578 503
* Part-time secretarial services are provided by officials of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Aberdeen and District

the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The Boundary Commission for Scotland, established under the House of Commons (Redistribution of Seats) Act, comprises a deputy chairman appointed by the Lord President of the Court of Session and two members appointed by the Secretary of State: Mr. Speaker is chairman ex-officio. The members are unpaid and travelling and subsistence expenses are minimal. Part-time secretarial services are provided by departmental officers as part of their normal duties. Expenditure amounted to £41 in 1979–80, and, largely because of the review of constituencies for the European Parliament, to £4,525 in 1978–79. No expenditure was incurred in the three preceding years.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Agricultural Wages Board (Scotland), the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The information is as follows:

Milk Marketing Board, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The board is a commercial organisation controlled by milk producers. I am not responsible for its cost or staff. The accounts of the board submitted each year to the annual general meeting are reproduced in the annual report on agricultural marketing schemes laid before Parliament.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were for the latest

Assessor and staff
Year Total financial costs Amount disbursed Number of persons involved (Assessor and staff) Salaries etc.* Expenses
£ £ £ £
1979–80 46,802† Nil 5 40,712† 6,090†
1978–79 43,594 Nil 6 37,887 5,707
1977–78 39,504 Nil 6 34,403 5,101
1976–77 54,298 Nil 7 47,481 6,817
1975–76 36,846 Nil 7 32,420 4,426
* Includes Salaries, Wages, Superannuation and pensions
† Estimate.
The salaries and other expenses of the Assessor and his staff are met entirely by the undertakings which he assesses.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland, what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Advisory Council on Social Work, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The information is set out below:

No. of Persons Involved and Expenses
1979–80 19 2,379
1978–79 21 1,516
1977–78 22 1,552
1976–77 23 879
1975–76 25 647

Secretarial services are provided by departmental staff in the course of their normal duties. The council does not disburse any money, nor do its members receive any payments other than expenses.

available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Assessor of Public Undertakings (Scotland), the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The information is as follows:

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Advisory Committee on Distinction Awards, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The main functions of the United Kingdom Advisory Committee on Distinction Awards are exercised in respect of Scotland by a Scottish Sub-Committee of three; the information given below relates to that Sub-Committee. Secretarial services are provided by departmental officers in the course of their normal duties.

Year Members Expenses
1979–80 1,357
1978–79 1,377
1977–78 1,350
1976–77 1,331
1975–76 1,269

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Advisory Committee on Community Medicine Establishments (Scotland), the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The only financial costs directly attributable to this committee were the travelling and subsistence expenses of its six members. These are set out in the table below. Secretarial services were provided by Departmental officers in the course of their normal duties. The committee has now been wound up and its function amalgamated with that of the Advisory Committee on Hospital Medical Establishments under the name of the Advisory Committee on Medcial Establishments.

Year Members Expenses
1979–80 114
1978–79 60
1977–78 46
1976–77 31
1975–76 31

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Advisory Committee on Protection of Birds in Scotland, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

Members of the Advisory Committee on the Protection of Birds for Scotland are unpaid but may claim travelling and subsistence expenses and a financial loss allowance at the normal rates. Not all members claim the expenses or allowances to which they are entitled. Secretarial services are provided by departmental officers in the course of their normal duties.

The total expenditure incurred by the advisory committee for the past five financial years was as follows:

Year Members Expenses
1979–80 1,143
1978–79 669
1977–78 510
1976–77 300
1975–76 100

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Advisory Committee on Dental Establishments (Scotland), the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The only financial costs directly attributable to this committee are the travelling and subsistence expenses of its nine members. These are set out in the table below. The secretarial services are provided by departmental officers in the course of their normal duties.

Year Members Expenses
1979–80 81
1978–79 169
1977–78 88
1976–77 84
1975–76 32

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Advisory Committee on Hospital Medical Establishments (Scotland), the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The only financial costs directly attributable to this committee are the travelling and subsistence expenses of its members. These are shown in the table below. Secretarial services are provided by departmental officers in the course of their normal duties.

No. Persons Involved Expenses
1979–80 16 £516
1978–79 16 £235
1977–78 16 £180
1976–77 15 £120
1975–76 15 £405

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest

Year Total financial costs Amount disbursed Number of persons involved Salaries or equivalent Expenses
£ £ £ £
1979–80 2,000 13 2,000
1978–79 3,000 13 3,000
1977–78 * 13 *
1976–77 * 13 *
1975–76 * 13 *
* The information on costs and expenses for earlier years is not readily available.

Note: Secretarial services are provided by departmental officers in the course of their normal duties.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Animal Diseases Research Association, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively,

Members Staff
Year Total financial costs Amount disbursed Number of persons involved Salaries or equivalent Expenses Salaries Expenses
£ £ £ £ £ £
1979–80 1,546,000 219 130 922,300 10,000
1978–79 1,432,000 220 100 762,700 8,900
1977–78 1,110,900 219 80 704,200 8,800
1976–77 1,016,200 225 60 670,300 5,000
1975–76 1,035,400 229 50 623,100 4,100

The figures for staff salaries include the salaries of all administrative, scientific and industrial staff employed by the institute.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the appeals tribunals under section 64 of Social Work (Scotland) Act 1948, the amount disbursed by those bodies, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with those bodies, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the bodies by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial

available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Ancient Monuments Board for Scotland, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The information is as follows:

salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger


Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Hannah Research Institute, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the

Members Staff
Year Total financial costs Amount disbursed Number of persons involved Salaries or equivalent Expenses Salaries Expenses
£ £ £ £ £ £
1979–80 1,516,400 153 100 901,500 15,100
1978–79 1,414,000 152 100 762,400 15,100
1977–78 1,412,700 159 683,300 10,200
1976–77 1,215,400 159 100 622,000 8,000
1975–76 948,800 153 200 588,300 7,300

The figures for staff salaries include the salaries of all administrative, scientific and industrial staff employed by the institute.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Hill Farming Research Organisation, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively,

Members Staff
Year Total financial costs Amount disbursed Number of persons involved Salaries or equivalent Expenses Salaries Expenses
£ £ £ £ £ £
1979–80 1,348,800 126 3,700 712,100 44,000
1978–79 1,113,400 134 2,700 605,300 31,500
1977–78 943,100 134 2,900 541,800 30,900
1976–77 921,100 130 2,000 499,500 22,200
1975–76 788,800 128 2,700 450,800 16,100
The figures for staff salaries include the salaries of all administrative, scientific and industrial staff employed by the insititute.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Hill Farming Advisory Committee for Scotland, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively,

Year Total finiancial costs Amount disbursed Number of members Salaries or equivalent Expenses
£ £ £ £
1979–80 1,039 Nil 13 Nil 1,039
1978–79 1,704 Nil 13 Nil 1,704
1977–78 318 Nil 13 Nil 318
1976–77 264 Nil 13 Nil 264
1975–76 138 Nil 13 Nil 138

Part-time secretarial services are provided by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland as part of its normal duties.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration,

figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The information is as follows:

members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The information is as follows:

members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The information is as follows:

of the Historic Buildings Council for Scotland, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above

Year Total financial costs Number of persons involved Salaries or equivalent Expenses
£ £ £
1979–80 1,985 12 1,355 630
1978–79 1,046 12 750 296
1977–78 1,217 12 750 467
1976–77 1,500 12 750 750
1975–76 1,200 12 750 450


Disbursements are made by the Secretary of State after advice from the Council.

Secretarial services are provided by departmental officers in the course of their normal duties.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Highlands and Islands Development Consultative Council, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment

Year Total financial costs Amount disbursed Number of persons involved* Salaries or equivalent Expenses
£ £ £ £
1979–80 7,694 44 7,694
1978–79 7,281 43 7,281
1977–78 4,579 44 4,579
1976–77 3,926 41 3,926
1975–76 3,145 39 3,145
* Members of the Council who meet four times a year.

Secretarial services are provided by officials of the Highlands and Islands Development Board in the course of their normal duties.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Fire Services Examinations Board (Scotland), the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively,

Year Total financial costs Amount disbursed Number of persons involved* Salaries or equivalent Expenses
£ £ £ £
1979–80 5,785 16 619
1978–79 5,884 16 54
1977–78 2,896 16 199
1976–77 2,869 16 339
1975–76 2,744 16 350

The total financial costs shown in the first column include the expenditure incurred in holding the fire service examinations.

categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The information is as follows:

for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The information is as follows:

members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The information is as follows:

Secretarial services are provided by departmental officers in the course of their normal duties.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the East of Scotland Agricultural College, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount

Members Staff
Year Total financial costs Amount disbursed Number of persons involved Salaries or equivalent Expenses Salaries Expenses
£ £ £ £ £ £
1979–80. 3,328,757 401 1,993 2,174,044 220,503
1978–79 2,849,715 399 1,272 1,876,663 186,552
1977–78 2,712,119 400 1,606 1,702,911 158,465
1976–77 2,445,209 400 1,104 1,606,743 131,996
1975–76 2,081,562 398 974 1,535,765 110,349

The figures for staff salaries include the salaries of all administrative, professional and industrial staff employed by the college.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Extra Parliamentary Panel, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

I refer to the reply which my hon. Friend gave to my hon. Friend the Member for Carlton (Mr. Holland) on 15 May 1980.—[Vol. 984, c. 606.] As he explained there, the panel is merely a list of persons whose services may be called on in the circumstances specified: it has no staff and no expenditure.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Advisory Panel of Economic Consultants to Secretary of State for Scotland, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The information is as follows:

Mr. Younger

The Advisory Panel of Economic Consultants does not disburse any funds. It currently has 10 members and meets three or four times each year with four or five members being invited on each occasion. Prior to 1977–78 two members received honoraria; remuneration is now by fee, presently at the rate of £40 per meeting attended, plus travel and subsistence expenses where appropriate. Over the period in question, these costs were as follows:

1979–80 458
1978–79 305
1977–78 419
1976–77 500
1975–76 560

Payments prior to 1977–78 relate to fees only since travel and subsistence payments for this period cannot readily be extracted.

A number of staff are involved in servicing the Economic Consultants as part of wider duties, and it is not possible to quantify the relevant staff time or costs.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the electricity consultative councils, Scotland, the amount disbursed by these bodies, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with those bodies, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of those bodies by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each year of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

Each of the two electricity consultative councils in Scotland has a part-time salaried chairman and 30 part-time unpaid members. In addition, the Electricity Consultative Council for the South of Scotland district has nine local committees and the Electricity Consultative

Members Staff
Year Total financial costs Amount disbursed Number of persons involved Salaries or equivalent Expenses Salaries Expenses
£ £ £ £ £ £
1979–80 115,699 8 8,295 15,861 54,584 6,853
1978–79 96,924 8 4,725 11,731 47,505 5,929
1977–78 86,113 8 4,200 13,305 38,342 6,191
1976–77 83,675 7 4,200 12,919 31,363 8,197
* Chairmen only

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Dumping at Sea Act, Representations Panel, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment, for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

None. I refer my hon. Friend to the answer given to my hon. Friend the Member for Carlton (Mr. Holland) on Thursday 15 May 1980.—[Vol. 984, c. 606.]

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Committee of Investigation for Scotland, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment, for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The committee has not incurred any expenditure in any of the past five years.

Council for the North of Scotland District has five area committees, with 145 part-time unpaid members in total.

The other information requested is set out in the table below. Comparable figures are not available for 1975–76, during part of which the Scottish electricity boards had financial responsibility for the operations of the consultative councils.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Consumers Committee for Scotland, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment, for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The committee has incurred no expenditure since 1975–76. The information for 1974–75 and 1975–76, in so far as it is available, is as follows:

Total financial costs £62
Amount disbursed by the Committee Nil
Number of members involved 7
Members' salaries Nil
Members' expenses. £62
Total financial costs £468
Amount disbursed by the Committee Nil
Number of members involved 7
Members' salaries Nil
Members' expenses £335

The 1975–76 expenditure includes witnesses' travel, etc, costs but no allocation of the salaries and expenses of the two officials who carried out the administrative and secretarial duties was made.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Consultative Committee on Freshwater Trout and Fishing in Scotland, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the

Year Total financial costs Amount disbursed Number of persons involved Salaries or equivalent Expenses
£ £ £ £
1979–80 375.20 Nil 15 Nil 375.20
1978–79 343.26 Nil 16 Nil 343.26
1977–78 380.22 Nil 16 Nil 380.22

Note: The committee was set up in 1977. The secretarial support and advice to the committee as necessary (including attendance at meetings) is provided by DAFS officials as part of their normal duties.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Central Advisory Committee on Justices of the Peace (Scotland), the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past fixe years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The members of the Central Advisory Committee are unpaid. Secretarial assistance for the committee is provided by the three members of the staff of the office of the Secretary of Commissions for Scotland as an integral part of their duties and has not been separately costed. The following are the total amounts paid by the Scottish Office in each of the last five years in respect of (a) expenses of members and (b) other expenses incidental to meetings:

Financial year Members' expenses Other expenses Total
£ £ £
1979–80 17.97 30.10 48.07
1978–79 85.90 39.89 125.79
1977–78 46.19 56.19 102.38
1976–77 29.10 36.00 65.10
1975–76 14.28 19.30 33.58

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Careers Service Advisory Council for Scotland, the amount disbursed by

body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The information is as follows:

that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The Careers Service Advisory Council for Scotland does not disburse any funds. During its first term of office, which came to an end in September 1979, it had 21 members. Appointments to the council are unpaid but members may claim travelling and subsistence expenses. The costs during the life of the council have been as follows—

1979–80 £489
1978–79 £1117
1977–78 £500
1976–77 £319

The council is serviced by staff of my Department as part of wider duties.

I am at present considering the reconstitution of the council.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month-period. the total financial costs, including administration, of the Consultative Committee on Curriculum (Scotland), the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years,, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The available information is as follows:

Members Staff
Year Total financial costs Amount disbursed Number of persons involved Salaries or equivalent Expenses Salaries Expenses Total costs of SCDS
£ £ £ £ £ £ £
1979–80 613,150 3,490 About 520 Nil 64,810 153,000 400 394,940
1978–79 2,040 Nil 40,430 394,600
1977–78 2,310 Nil 37,460 238,570
1976–77 2,170 Nil 26,230 182,100
1975–76 Nil Nil 152,600


1. The sums disbursed cover the expenses of the Scottish Computer Education Group which receives financial support from the CCC.

2. The persons involved inculde members of the CCC and of its substructure of committees (all of whom serve on a part-time basis); Departmental officials employed full-time in the CCC secretariat; and full and part-time staff of the Scottish Curriculum Development Service (SCDS). Corresponding figures cannot be given for previous years because no record was kept centrally of members of all committees.

3. Members' expenses relate to staff members of the CCC and its substructure apart from Departmental staff members. The expenses of members for the years 1975–76 and 1974–75 are not available.

4. Salaries and expenses of the secretariat can be estimated only for 1979–80, the first complete year after the setting up of the secretarial as a separate unit. Until June 1978, secretarial service were provided by Departmental staff on a part-time basis.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month-period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Central Midwives Board for Scotland, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The Central Midwives Board for Scotland has a membership of sixteen including the chairman. Members receive travel and subsistence expenses but no salary. The board has a staff of six.

The figures for total expenditure, the salaries of staff, and the expenses paid to members and staff are given below.

Year Total expenditure Staff-salaries Expenses of members and staff
£ £ £
1979 46,958 34,000 3,968
1978 39,516 30,200 3,675
1977 36,217 27,700 3,578
1976 30,899 26,600 2,077
1975 32,000 26,000 1,890

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month-period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Council for the Education and Training of Health Visitors Advisory Committee, the amount disbursed by that body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The Scottish Advisory Committee to the Council for the Education and Training of Health Visitors has a membership of 13 including the chairman. Members receive travel and subsistence expenses but no salary. Secretarial services are provided by departmental officers in the course of their normal duties. No amounts are disbursed by the committee. The figures for the expenses of members are given below.

Year Members' Expenses
1979 312
1978 369
1977 326
1976 253
1975 354

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Committee for Clinical Nursing Studies, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The Committee for Clinical Nursing Studies has nine members, including the Chairman. Members receive travel and subsistence expenses but no salary. The Committee has a staff of one whole-time and two part-time officers. No amounts are disbursed by the Committee. The figures for total expenditure, the salaries of staff and the

Number of persons involved Members secretaries and administration staff
Year Total financial costs including administration and disbursements Members Staff-administration including Secretarial and audit Salaries Expenses Salaries Expenses
£ £ £ £ £
1978–79 1,238,815 10 40 7,982 2,682 24,191 67
1977–78 809,425 10 33 7,070 1,551 18,052 43
1976–77 567,550 9 26 7,388 1,788 14,794 53
1975–76 699,920 10 21 6,987 748 9,142 62

The commission was established in September 1974 under the provisions of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and became functional on local government reorganisation on 16 May 1975. Expenditure incurred in 1974–75was minimal.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The information, which relates to the operation of the board throughout Great Britain is published in

expenses of members and staff are given below:

Year Total expenditure Staff salaries Members' and staff expenses
£ £ £
1979–80 21,573 14,491 1,842
1978–79 19,031 13,065 2,425
1977–78 21,407 11,363 2,377
1976–77 11,310 11,033 1,402
1975–76 12,660 6,773 1,200

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Commission for Local Authority Accounts in Scotland, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

The information is as follows:

the annual reports of the board which are in the Library of the House. It is not possible to distinguish the expenses of members and staff. The Report for 1979–80 will be published later this year.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what were, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the Building Standards Advisory Committee, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Year Total financial costs Amount disbursed Number of persons in volved Salaries or equivalent Expenses
£ £ £ £
1979–80 432 Nil 15* Nil 432
1978–79 219 Nil 15* Nil 219
1977–78 269 Nil 15* Nil 269
1976–77 428 Nil 15* Nil 428
1975–76 109 Nil 15* Nil 109
* Part-time.

Secretarial services are provided by departmental officers in course of their normal duties.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will give, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the National Galleries of Scotland, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons, including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the

Members Staff
Year Total financial costs Amount disbursed Number of persons involved* Salaries or equivalent Expenses Salaries Expenses
£ £ £ £ £ £
1979–80 2,175,010 Nil 142 Nil 1,645 709,988 13,538
1978–79 1,764,359 Nil 139 Nil 1,405 585,158 11,820
1977–78 1,674,922 Nil 133 Nil 1,258 495,315 8,098
1976–77 1,552,516 Nil 132 Nil 1,061 451,543 6,482
1975–76 1,102,316 Nil 132 Nil 2,641 417,071 7,807
1974–75 1,180,586 Nil 123 Nil 544 307,540 2,048
* Including seven members of the board of trustees, full-time staff and the full-time equivalent of part-time staff.
† Includes purchase grant.

Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will publish, for the latest available 12-month period, the total financial costs, including administration, of the National Institute for Agricultural Engineering, the amount disbursed by that body, the number of persons including secretaries, involved with the body, the amount of payment for, respectively, members of the body by way of salary

Expenditure (actual expenditure) 1975–76 1976–77 1977–78 1978–79 1979–80
1. Total expenditure 1,950 2,140 2,362 2,554 2,868
2. Total salaries 1,560 1,704 1,806 1,905 2,089
3. Total administration 128 142 151 177 188
4. Total salaries of administrative staff (excluding secretarial salaries) 118 131 138 153 169
5. Total secretarial salaries 18 20 21 23 25
Staff (in post at end of financial year) 1975–76 1976–77 1977–78 1978–79 1979–80
1. Total staff 418 436 425 419 421
2. Total administrative staff 41 40 43 41 39

Mr. Younger

The information is as follows:

body by way of salary or equivalent, expenses of members, and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Younger

[pursuant to his reply, 16 May 1980, c. 717]: The following is the information:

or equivalent, expenses of members, and secretarial salaries and expenses; and what were the figures in all the above categories in each of the past five years, respectively.

Mr. Macfarlane

I have been asked to reply.

The information is as follows:

Members of the governing body of the institute are reimbursed in respect of travelling and subsistence expenses—total cost approximately £2,000 per annum—but do not receive salaries or honoraria. Secretarial support for the governing body is undertaken by the institute's administration department. The expenses of secretaries employed by the institute cannot be separately identified, but are included in line 3 of the first table above.

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