HC Deb 25 March 1980 vol 981 cc556-60W
Mr. Cryer

asked the Secretary of State for Industry if he will give, for each industrial sector working party since it was set up, the changes in the index of output, and the penetration of home and overseas markets and employment, giving the standard industrial classification minimum list headings covered by each working party.

Mr. David Mitchell

[pursuant to his reply, 20 March 1980, c. 259]: The information in the following table relates to Standard Industrial Classification groupings that correspond as closely as possible to the coverage of the sector working parties. Information about the penetration of overseas markets is not available.

Annual average percentage change in
Sector Working Party (or EDC) Approximate SIC coverage Nearest corresponding Minimum List Headings Output* Employment† Import penetration‡
Food and drink EDC, of which:— 211 to 239 211 to 239§ Food and drink + 1½
Biscuits SWG 213 213 Biscuits -1¾
Meat and meat products SWG 214 214 Bacon curing, meat and fish products +2¼
Milk and milk products SWG 215 215 Milk and milk products +1¾ -2 -2½
Cocoa, chocolate and confectionery SWG. 217 217 Cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery +5 +2 +1½
Brewing SWG 231 231 Brewing and malting +1
Spirit distilling SWG part of 239 239§ Other drink industries +1½ ֵ
Specialised organics SWP part of 271 271 General chemicals +5¾ +1 +2½
Petrochemicals SWP part of 271, 276 271 and 276 General chemicals and synthetic resins +4¾ +1½ +2½
Pharmaceuticals SWP 272 272 Pharmaceutical chemicals and preparations +2¾
Iron and steel SWP 311 and 312 311 and 312 Iron and steel (general) and steel tubes +1¾ -3½ +2½
Foundries EDC parts of 313, 321 to 323 313, 321 to 323 Iron castings and non-ferrous metals -1 +1¼
Machine tools EDC 332, part 339 332 Metal-working machine tools -1¾ -1½ +1¾
Pumps and valves SWP part of 333 333 Pumps, valves and compressors
Fluid power SWP part of 333
Diesel engines SWP parts of 334,370,380,381 334 Industrial engines +4½ -2½ +3¾
Textile machinery SWP 335 335 Textile machinery and accessories -24 -6¾ -2½
Construction equipment and mobile cranes SWP. 336, part of 337 336 Construction and earth-moving equipment -2¼
Mechanical handling SWP part of 337 337 Mechanical handling equipment -1 +1
Industrial trucks SWP part of 337
Office machinery SWP 338, part of 351 338 Office machinery -8½ -1¼ +7
Mining machinery SWP part of 339
Printing machinery SWP part of 339 339 Other machinery -1 +1¾
Heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration SWP. part of 339
Food, drink and packaging machinery SWP. parts of 339, 341
Constructional steelwork SWP part of 341 341 Industrial (including process) plant and steelwork. -2¾
Process plant EDC part of 341
Automation and instrumentation SWP part of 353, 354 354 Scientific and industrial instruments and systems. +3¼
Heavy electrical machinery SWP parts of 334, 361 361 Electrical machinery -4 -1¾ +2¼
Industrial electrical equipment SWP parts of 361, 369
Telecommunications SWP 363 363 Telegraph and telephone apparatus anc equipment. -6¼ -6½ -1½
Electronic components SWP 364 364 Radio and electronic components +10½ +2½

Annual average percentage change in
Sector Working Party (or EDC) Approximate SIC coverage Nearest corresponding Minimum List Headings Output* Employ ment† Import penetration‡
Electronic consumer goods SWP part of 365 365 Broadcast receiving and sound reproducing equipment. +2 -4¼ +3¾
Electronic computers SWP 366 366 Electronic computers +29¾ +4½ +4½
Radio, radar and navigational aids SWP. 367 367 Radio, radar and electronic capital goods +3¾ +2
Domestic electrical appliances SWP part of 368 368 Electric appliances primarily for domestic use. +1 -1 +1
Gauge and tool SWP 390 390 Engineers' small tools and gauges - ¼
Man-made fibres SWP 411 411 Production of man-made fibres -2 -5 +1¼
Cotton and allied textiles EDC parts of 412,413,422,423 412, 413, 422, 423 Cotton spinning and weaving, made up textiles, textile finishing. -1½ -3¼ +3¼
Wool textiles EDC 414 414 Woollen and worsted -2¼ -3¼ +1¼
Knitting SWP 417 417 Hosiery and other knitted goods -1¼ -1½ +1½
Clothing EDC 441 to 445, 449 441 to 445, 449 Clothing other than headgear +1¾ -1½ +1½
Footwear EDC part of 450 450 Footwear -1 +1¾
Paper and board SWP 481 481 Paper and board +3½ -1¼
Printing industries SWP parts of 481 to 489 and others. 482, 483, 489 Packaging, stationery, book printing +4 - ½ + 2¾
Tyre industry SWP part of 491 491 Rubber +3 -4¼
Plastics processing SWP parts of 496 and others 496 Plastics products not elsewhere specified +8¼ +1¾
* Based on Index of Industrial Production (1975=100), seasonally adjusted. Change from 4th quarter 1975 to 4th quarter 1979, expressed at an annual rare Source: Central Statistical Office.
† Employees in employment in Great Britain. Change from November 1975 to November 1979 expressed at an annual rate. Source: Department of Employment
‡Imports (CIF) as a percentage of United Kingdom demand, i.e. United Kingdom manufacturers' sales plus imports (CIF) less exports (FOB), in current value terms. Annual number of percentage points change from year ending June 1976 to year ending September 1979. Source: Departments of Industry and Trade.
§ Suitable sales data for MLH 239 "Other drink industries" are not available for the construction of measure ‡. This MLH has therefore been ommitted in the calculation of measure ‡ for the group "Food and drink"as a whole.


— Nil or insignificant.

…Not available.


SIC: Standard Industrial Classification (revised 1968).

EDC: Economic Development Council.

SWP: Sector Working Party.

SWG: Sector Working Group.