§ Mr. Beithasked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether the future of the joint freshwater fisheries research advisory committee has been reviewed in the course of the Government's examination of non-departmental organisations.
§ Mr. Buchanan-SmithNo. While the committee is sponsored jointly by my Department and the National Water Council, it was regarded primarily as a scientific working group within the council's structure; the council was, of course, reviewed.
§ Mr. Beithasked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food who represents the views of licensed salmon drift net fishermen on the joint freshwater fisheries research advisory committee.
§ Mr. Buchanan-SmithNo one. The committee is part of the National Water Council's working arrangements for coordinating the water authorities' fisheries activities and has the purpose of providing advice from a scientific standpoint and liaison on freshwater and salmon research matters with my Department and other research institutions. I understand that additional members would not be ruled out provided that they were able to contribute to the scientific nature of the committee's work.
§ Mr. Beithasked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he will name the chairman and members of the joint freshwater fisheries research advisory committee and the interests which they represent.
§ Mr. Buchanan-SmithThe membership is as follows:
- I. R. H. Allan, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (chairman).
- J. S. Alabaster, Water Research Centre.
- G. H. Bielby, South West Water Authority (vice chairman).
- M. J. Bulleid, Thames Water Authority.
- J. R. Chandler, Southern Water Authority.
- Dr. D. Cragg-Hine, North West Water Authority (from February 1977).
- A. S. Grater, Wessex Water Authority (to September 1978).
- Dr. G. S. Harris, Welsh Water Authority.
- Dr. B. Hill, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Weymouth Fish Diseases Laboratory) (from October 1978).
- D. J. Iremonger, Northumbrian Water Authority.
- F. A. Jennings, National Water Council.
- E. D. Le Cren, Freshwater Biological Association.
- Dr. J. B. Leeming, North West Water Authority (to November 1976).
- Dr. R. S. J. Linfield, Anglian Water Authority.
- R. Lloyd, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory).
- M. L1. Parry, Severn Trent Water Authority.
- J. C. Peters, Department of the Environment and Central Water Planning Unit.
- Dr. D. J. Shillcock, Yorkshire Water Authority.
- Dr. J. P. Stevenson, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Weymouth Fish Diseases Laboratory) (to October 1978).
- Dr. L. Stewart, Salmon and Trout Association.
- P. H. Tombleson, National Anglers' Council.
- Dr. D. Wilkinson, Wessex Water Authority (from March 1979).
- I. F. de L. G. Solbé, Water Research Centre (Secretary).