§ Mr. Frank R. Whiteasked the Secretary of State for Social Services what percentage of the hospital stock in the separate regions of England was built (a) pre-1850, (b) pre-1900, (c) pre-1925, (d) pre-1950 and (e) pre-1960.
§ Dr. VaughanInformation in the precise form requested is not available. The last detailed survey of the age of hospital stock was carried out in 1972. This showed an estimated percentage age distribution of hospital stock in the hospital regions of England as they existed in 1972 as follows:
tions on their professional status of certain aspects of the report by the Clegg Standing Commission on pay comparability. I have made clear that some of the issues raised are matters for negotiation within the Professional and Technical A Whitley Council, but that I am very willing to discuss with representatives of the professions concerned any matters which are causing them particular concern. I shall be meeting the Whitley Council staff side on 7 July and will be having further meetings with individual organisations in the following weeks.