HC Deb 18 June 1980 vol 986 cc507-8W
Mr. Philip Holland

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the cost to his Department of providing secretariat and executive support services for each non-departmental public body to which he appoints members other than civil servants.

Mr. Mayhew

The latest available information in respect of my Department is contained in part 3, pages 144–147 of the "Report on Non-Departmental Public Bodies" (Cmnd. 7797). The total administrative cost—including costs incurred by the MSC and HSC—in relation to all the bodies mentioned in the report is £15.564 million. A subsequent saving in support services of £273,085 has since been estimated as a result of the abolition of the Advisory Committee on Asbestos and the Royal Commission on the distribution incomes and wealth, and a reduction in the number of wages councils from 41 to 34 and of district manpower committees from 125 to 88.