HC Deb 11 June 1980 vol 986 cc186-8W
Mr. Wheeler

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list the prisons where prisoners are held on remand or are convicted but not sentenced, showing, for the most convenient recent date, the numbers so held in each prison, the number of certified accommodation places in single cells, and how many prisoners have been doubled or trebled up for want of single-cell accommodation.

Mr. Brittan

Information relating to remand prisoners held on 30 April 1980 is listed below. The allocation of accommodation between remand and sentenced prisoners has to be flexible and details of the certified normal accommodation available solely for remand prisoners are not therefore available. Information collected centrally on prisoners sleeping two or three to a cell does not distinguish between remand and sentenced prisoners.

Awaitingtrial Convicted awaiting sentence
Remand Centres
Ashford 217 97
Brockhill 147 87
Cardiff 33 28
Exeter 20 23
Latchmere House 33 122
Low Newton 121 69
Norwich 47 13
Pucklechurch 44 40
Risley 387 209
Thorp Arch 123 44
Winchester 36 29
Local Prisons
Bedford 99 44
Birmingham 92 107
Bristol 71 24
Brixton 795 76
Camp Hill 7 1
Canterbury 106 39
Cardiff 60 32
Dorchester 35 10
Durham 134 36
Exeter 66 24
Gloucester 26 12
Leeds 261 67
Leicester 103 42
Lewes 245 69
Lincoln 174 56
Manchester 188 155
Norwich 99 22
Oxford 116 40
Pentonville 219 74
Reading 40 3
Shrewsbury 54 7
Swansea 40 18
Wandsworth 180
Winchester 43 67
Wormwood Scrubs 66
Brixton 2
Holloway 121 85
Low Newton 11 6
Pucklechurch 18 15
Risley 47 39

Mr. Wheeler

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list the number of prisons, or extensions to existing prisons, currently being built ; how much new certified accommodation this will provide ; and what are the dates of expected availability.

Mr. Brittan

The details which the hon. Member requests are published in appendix No. 2 of the report on the work of the prison department for 1978 (Cmnd. 7619). Information relating to the latest position is being prepared and will appear in the 1979 report, which will be published shortly.