HC Deb 06 June 1980 vol 985 cc859-66W
Mr. Greville Janner

asked the Lord Privy Seal (1) what protests have been made by Her Majesty's Government to diplomatic missions accredited to the Court of St. James concerning their use and abuse of diplomatic privilege during each of the last five years for which records are available; which are the countries involved in each of the protests made in the last five years by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office concerning the abuse of diplomatic immunity; and what was the nature of the abuse;

(2) what was the response of each of the countries whose personnel were accused of a breach of diplomatic immunity of whatever nature as recorded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office during the last five years.

Mr. Hurd

The details requested form part of confidential exchanges with diplomatic missions. Such matters are firmly dealt with.

Mr. Greville Janner

asked the Lord Privy Seal on how many occasions the Government have requested diplomats or those claiming diplomatic immunity to leave the United Kingdom during the last five years; what were the alleged offences on each occasion; and what countries' nationals were involved.

Mr. Hurd

The information required is not available within the time allowed to answer this question. I shall circulate a reply in theOfficial Report.

Mr. Greville Jannera

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether he will publish list of all the institutions and organisations to which the United Kingdom accords privileges and immunities.

Mr. Hurd

The diplomatic missions and those international organisations in the United Kingdom to which privileges and immunities are granted in accordance with international agreements are shown in the London Diplomatic List which is published quarterly. To this list should be added the recently-established International Maritime Satellite Orgaanisation.


In addition, the United Kingdom is party to agreements with number of other international organisations which are not based in this country; with the approval of Parliament their officials and the representatives of the member States are accorded certain privileges and immunities when on official business in this country.

Mr. Greville Janner

asked the Lord Privy Seal what representations he has made to ambassadors, high commissioners and those who claim diplomatic immunity, in the light of the recent killings and the Iranian Embassy siege, concerning the abuse of the conventions of diplomatic privilege.

Mr. Hurd

All missions in London have been made aware of the Government's views on this subject. On 9 May a circular was issued to the Diplomatic Corps outlining the grave view which would be taken of any breaches of the United Kingdom firearms regulations.

Mr. Greville Janner

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether he will list the number of diplomats and the number of members of families of diplomats and

Diplomatic Administrative and technical
Afghanistan, Republic of 2
Algeria 7 3
Argentina, Republic of 21 22
Australia 50 98
Austria 13 16
Bahamas, Commonwealth of the 1
Bahrain, State of 6
Bangladesh, People's Republic of 15 39
Barbados 13 2
Belgium 12 33
Benin, People's Republic of (non resident) 6
Bolivia 12
Botswana 3 1
Brazil 36 114
Bulgaria, People's Republic of 13 27
Burma, Socialist Republic of the Union of 4 15
Burundi, Republic of (non resident) 5
Cameroon, United Republic of 15 16
Canada 55 62
Central African Empire (non resident) 4
Chad Republic of (non resident) 2 2
Chile 16 16
China, People's Republic of 49 63
Colombia 13 7
Congo, People's Republic of (non resident) 12
Costa Rica 6 1
Cuba, Republic of 13 9
Cyprus 21 9
Czechoslovakia, Socialist Republic of 15 48
Denmark 18 21
Djibouti (non resident) 2
Dominica, Commonwealth of 2
Dominican Republic 7 4
Ecuador 6 1
Egypt, Arab Republic of 79 78
El Salvador 1 4
Ethiopia, Provisional Military Government of Socialist 7 4
Fiji 5
Finland 16 22
France 46 182
Gabon, Republic of 4
The Gambia 6 7
Federal Republic of Germany 48 88
German Democratic Republic 16 16
Ghana 36 19
Greece 21 26
Grenada 3
Guinea, Republic of (non resident) 8
Guyana 18
Haiti, Republic of 1
Honduras 5 1
Hungary, People's Republic of 15 20

the number of other persons with diplomatic immunity in each diplomatic mission currently represented in Great Britain.

Mr. Hurd

The numbers of diplomats and other staff of diplomatic missions in the United Kingdom are in the attached list. It would involve a disproportionate effort to count the individual members of the families of the persons listed. It is estimated that their total number is approximately 16,400.

Diplomatic Administrative and technical
Iceland 3 2
india 75 336
indonesia 15 46
Iran, Provisional, Revolutionary and Islamic Goverment of 17 5
Iraq, Republic of 45 64
Republic of Ireland 13 44
Israel 36 23
Italy 20 70
Ivory Coast 8 8
Jamaica 28 5
Japan 48 4
Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of 23 59
Kenya 23 2
Korea, Republic of 20 6
Kuwait, State of 16
Laos, People's Democratic Republic of 2 2
Lebanon 4 7
Lesotho, Kingdom of 2 2
Liberia 6 3
Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 10 5
Luxembourg 2
Madagascar (non resident) 2
Malawi, Republic of 9
Malaysia 43 21
Mali, Republic of (non resident) 1 1
Malta, Republic of 8 2
Mauritania, Islamic Republic of (non resident) 6
Mauritius 9 7
Mexico 28 13
Mongolia, People's Republic of 3
Morocco, Kingdom of 14 12
Nepal 4 1
Netherlands 19 59
New Zealand 23 14
Nicaragua 2
Niger, Republic of (non resident) 4
Nigeria, Federal Republic of 101
Norway 18 23
Oman, Sultanate of 12
Pakistan 31 54
Panama, Republic of 13 1
Papua New Guinea 3
Paraguay 5
Peru 19 29
Philippines 13 21
Poland, People's Republic of 28 30
Portugal 14 46
Qatar, State of 7
Romania, Socialist Republic of 9 23
Rwanda, Republic of (non resident) 4
Saint Lucia 2
Saint Vincent 1
Saudi Arabia 42 5
Senegal, Republic of 10 3
Seychelles 4 1
Sierra Leone 27 2
Singapore, Republic of 4 3
Solomon Islands (non resident) 1
Somali Democratic Republic 4 1
South Africa, Republic of 28 19
Soviet Union 43 45
Spain 27 123
Sri Lanka, Republic of 12 20
Sudan, Democratic Republic of 47
Swaziland 5 2
Sweden 24 17
Switzerland 14 27
Syrian Arab Republic 21 3
Tanzania, United Republic of 12
Thailand 27 28
Togo 5 2
Tonga 3 5

Diplomatic Administrative and technical
Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of 16 4
Tunisia 4
Turkey 39 27
Uganda 10 2
United Arab Emirates 13
United States 116 213
Upper Volta, Republic of (non resident) 7
Uruguay 5
Venezuela 18 26
Socialist Republic of Vietnam 6 7
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen 7 1
Yemen Arab Republic 9 1
Yugoslavia, Socialist Federal Republic of 14 30
Zaire, Republic of 10 3
Zambia, Republic of 18
Commonwealth Secretariat 55 311
Total 2,388 3,077

Mr. Greville Janner

asked the Lord Privy Seal (1) whether he will make representations to those Governments who have ratified the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations but who either are known to have or are suspected of having abused the spirit or letter of the convention; and whether he will make a statement;

(2) whether he will initiate talks with Foreign Ministers of those countries which have acceded to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations with a view to reconvening the United Nations Conference on Diplomatic Intercourse and Immunities to discuss amendments to the aforesaid convention which will tighten loopholes and abuses of diplomatic immunity;

(3) what recommendations he has made concerning diplomatic immunity and kindred problems consequential on the recent killings in London and the Iranian Embassy siege,

Mr. Hurd

I have nothing to add to the statement which I made in the Adjournment debate of 2 June.

Mr. Greville Janner

asked the Lord Privy Seal (1) what types of firearms, explosives and kindred devices have been found on inspection of diplomatic bags, premises occupied by diplomats or those claiming diplomatic immunity in each of the last five years; and what nationality was claimed in each instance;

(2) what proposals he intends to introduce to enable electronic surveillance of diplomatic baggage;

(3) what procedures are adopted when items contrary to the conventions concerning diplomatic mail are found; and what is the nature of representations made by the country concerned.

Mr. Hurd

Article 27 of the Vienna Convention lays down that diplomatic bags should not be opened or detained. Article 22 gives inviolability to diplomatic premises. On the principles involved and the practice of Her Majesty's Government I would refer to the statement which I made in the Adjournment debate of 2 June.

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