HC Deb 28 July 1980 vol 989 cc466-8W
Mr. Greville Janner

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether he will make representations to those organisations whose representatives enjoy immunity in the United Kingdom that they should none the less obey the laws of the United Kingdom.

Sir Ian Gilmour

I am always prepared, if necessary, to take up specific allegations of misuse of immunity, but I am not currently aware of any allegations relating to international organisations.

Mr. Greville Janner

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether he will seek to change the titles to statutory instruments which grant diplomatic immunity from "international immunities and privileges" to their previous title of "diplomatic and international immunities and privileges".

Sir Ian Gilmour

No. Virtually all instruments made under this heading relate to international organisations and confer immunities which are very much more limited than those accorded to diplomatic missions. I agree, therefore, with the view of the editor of the Index to Government Orders that the heading should begin with the word "international" rather than "diplomatic" as that is the word the majority of users would be likely to turn to when seeking information on these organisations from the index.

Mr. Granville Janner

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether he will list those international European or other organisations any or all of whose repressentatives in the United Kingdom are accorded immunity; how many representatives of each such organisation, how many persons employed by such organisations, and how many members of the families of such persons enjoy such immunity; and what is the extent of such immunity in each such case.

Sir Ian Gilmour

Listed below are the organisations to which the representatives of member States have limited immunity when they are in the United Kingdom on official business related to the work of the organisations. Only a few such representatives come here from time to time, since much of the work in connection with these organisations is handled by diplomatic missions in London.

Those organisations marked with an asterisk in the list employ a total of 1,129 persons in the United Kingdom, who have immunity only in repect of their official acts. The head officers of 11 of those organisations have additional immunity comparable to that of diplomatic agents. Members of the families of all such staff—including the head officers—have no immunity.

Those organisations without an asterisk employ no staff in the United Kingdom, but staff who may occasionally visit the United Kingdom on official business would have immunity only in respect of their official acts. * Inter-governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation (IMCO)

  • * International Wheat Council (IWC)
  • * International Coffee Organisation (ICO)
  • * International Sugar Organisation (ISO)
  • * Eurocontrol
  • Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
  • European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)
  • International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO)
  • * International Tin Council (ITC)
  • Interim Commission for the International Trade Organisation (ICITO)
  • International Institute for the Management of Technology (IIMT)
  • Asian Development Bank (ADB)
  • 468
  • Customs Co-operation Council (CCC)
  • European Molecular Biology Laboratory
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
  • * North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
  • Organisation for European Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)
  • * United Nations, International Court of Justice, and UN Specialised Agencies
  • * European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
  • * International Cocoa Organisation (ICCO)
  • * International Whaling Commission (IWC)
  • * Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
  • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • European Patent Office (EPO)
  • * International Rubber Study Group (IRSG)
  • European Space Agency (ESA)
  • * International Lead and Zinc Study Group (ILZSG)
  • International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation (INTELSAT)
  • * International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund
  • * Oslo and Paris Commissions
  • * International Maritime Satellite Organisation (INMARSAT)
  • * Commission of the European Communities
  • * Council of Europe
  • * European Investment Bank
  • * European Parliament
  • * Joint European Torus
  • * International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
  • * International Finance Corporation (IFC)
  • International Development Association (IDA)
  • * Western European Union (WEU)
  • International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
  • African Development Fund

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