HC Deb 16 July 1980 vol 988 cc572-5W
Mr. Sproat

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list the names of all voluntary bodies to which his Department is paying grants in the current year; and how much is going to each individual body.

Mr. Raison

Grants paid to voluntary bodies by the Home Department fall into the following categories; those administered by the voluntary services unit, those administered by the probation and after-care department, grants in respect of refugees, and grants to certain other bodies. Bodies receiving grants in the current year, and the amount of grant where this has been fully determined are as follows:

Grants administered by VSU
Amount of grant already determined £
Action Resource Centre 20,000
Alone in London Service 14,320
Association of Researchers into Voluntary Action and Community Involvement (ARVAC) 4,300
British Council of Churches (Community Work Resource Unit) 14,500
Brixton Neighbourhood Community Association 50,500
Charitable Trade Advisory Group 7,500
Community Transport 25,465
Fair Play for Children 31,000
Family Day Centre Projects:
1. Aide a Toute Detresse 55,463
2. Cambridge House and Talbot 27,792
3. Camden Family Service Unit 20,450
4. Croydon Gingerbread 14,804
5. Defoe Day Centre 50,684
6. Liverpool Personal Service Society 15,555
7. London Voluntary Service Council 49,835
8. Institute of Community Studies 18,237
Federation of Community Work Training Groups 15,023
Festival Welfare Services 12,350
Gamblers Anonymous 500
Greater Manchester Council for Voluntary Service (Development Officer) 10,000
International Voluntary Service 21,800
Melting Pot Foundation 10,000
Merseyside Council for Voluntary Service (Development Officer) 10,000
Midlands Public Announcement Scheme 10,500
National Association of Asian Youth 18,000
National Association of Victims Support Schemes 10,000
National Council for Voluntary Organisations:
(a) Development Officers 24,000
(b) Management training courses 4,000
National Playing Fields Association 56,000
Northern Association for Community Care 34,580
REACH 4,500
Runnymede Trust 3,750
Volunteer Centre Media Project 32,500
Wales Playing Fields Association 10,800
West End Co-ordinated Voluntary Service 74,520

  • Amount of grant not yet determined
  • AVEC
  • British Association for Counselling
  • British Association of Settlements
  • Community Projects Foundation
  • Community Service Volunteers
  • Govan Area Resource Centre
  • London Voluntary Service Council
  • (Community Work Resource Unit)
  • National Council for Voluntary
  • Organisations (grant-in-aid)
  • National Council for Voluntary Organisations:
  • 574
  • International Council of Social Welfare
  • National Youth Bureau:
  • National Association of Young People's
  • Counselling and Advisory Service
  • Young Volunteer Resource Unit
  • Newham Community Renewal Programme
  • Onward Industries (NACRO)
  • Princedale Trust (for Release)
  • South Wales Anti Poverty Action Committee
  • Student Community Action Resources Programme
  • Task Force
  • Time for God
  • Volunteer Centre
  • Women's Royal Voluntary Service (grant-in-aid)

Grants administered by Probation and After-Care Department
Amount of grant already determined £
Anchor Club Leicester 4,850
Apex Trust 32,400
Birmingham Prisoners Visitors Centre 4,700
Bristol Prisoners Visitors Centre 1,350
Brixton Prisoners Visitors Centre 2,500
Bulldog Manpower Services Ltd. 340,000
Catholic Marriage Advisory Council (grant-in-aid) 74,500
Circle Trust 26,850
Dartmoor Accommodation Scheme 4,000
Family Welfare Association (grant-in-aid) 11,500
HACRO Crisis and Support Centre 3,800
Institute of Marital Studies (grant-in-aid) 170,000
Jewish Marriage Education Council (grant-in-aid) 3,000
Leeds Prisoners Visitors Centre 850
Lifeline Day Centre 6,350
National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (grant-in-aid) 316,000
NACRO Educational Advisory Service 18,835
National Association of Voluntary Hostels Limited 27,500
National Marriage Guidance Council (grant-in-aid) 555,000
New Bridge 8,050
Newham Alternatives Project 6,070
N.E. London St. Leonard's Society 1,200
Preston and District Lodgings Scheme 1,500
Prisoners' Wives and Families Society 1,500
Prisoners Wives Service 4,000
St. Giles Day Centre 2,500
Society of Voluntary Associates (SOVA) 14,000
Stonham Housing Association Limited 36,000
York ACRO Lodgings Scheme 2,200

Amount of grant not determined in respect of specific recipients

£1.637 million is allocated to the deficit funding of some 240 hostels administered by more than 200 voluntary bodies. A further £346,000 is allocated mainly on a once-for-all basis to assist special projects to be set up or maintained by some 40 Voluntary organisations.

Grants for refugees
Amount of grant already determined £
Joint Working Group for Refugees from Latin America 73,000

  • Amount of grant not yet determined
  • British Council for Aid to Refugees
  • Ockenden Venture
  • Save the Children Fund

Grants (or grants-in-aid) to other bodies
Amount of grant already determined
International Social Service of Great Britain 157,000
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents 6,600
United Kingdom Immigrants Advisory Service (grant-in-aid) 491,000