HL Deb 15 December 1980 vol 415 cc971-2WA
Lord Avebury

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they have reached any agreement with the Government of Argentina on the demarcation of the boundary between the exclusive economic zones of the Falkland Islands and Argentina; whether they are aware that the Argentina state petroleum company (YPF) advertised in the 6th November Herald Tribune for tenders to drill for oil on the Magallanes Este Block, Tender No. 14048/80, and that this Block is well over the Falkland Islands side of any putative median line; and whether they will circulate a notice to all potential bidders making it clear that the United Kingdom does not recognise Argentina's sovereignty over this Block and will reserve its rights to take legal action for the recovery of damages against any company which drills there.

Lord Carrington

No agreement has been reached between the United Kingdom and Argentine Governments on the delimitation of the continental shelf as between the Falkland Islands and Argentina. In the absence of an agreed boundary, neither party, in Her Majesty's Government's view, would be entitled to exercise continental shelf rights beyond the median line between the Falkland Islands and Argentina. We have protested to the Argentines about the YPF tender which does indeed go beyond the median line. We are continuing to keep the situation under review and will take further action as necessary to preserve our legal position.