HC Deb 08 August 1980 vol 990 cc515-6W
Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will publish in the Official Report the details of the plan for triple FP10 forms which was submitted for his consideration; and if he will place in the Library correspondence he has had with the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Society on this plan subsequent to the refusal to appear with him on a television programme.

Dr. Vaughan

Proposals for a repeat prescription system in the National Health Service were first submitted to the Department jointly by the general medical services committee of the British Medical Association and the council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain in November 1973. In view of the length of the submission I am sending a copy to the hon. Member.

The proposals have subsequently been considered by the Department in consultation with representatives of the professions, and as I said in the Radio 4 programme "Reel Evidence" on 29 July—the programme which I believe the hon. Member has in mind—I hope soon to announce what action we propose to take.

I have had no recent correspondence with the Association for the British Pharmaceutical Industry about the proposals, and its published letter to the British Broadcasting Corporation, a copy of which I am also sending to the hon. Member, shows that its reasons for refusing to take part in the broadcast were quite unconnected with this subject.