- Sickness Benefit 85 words
- Disabled Persons (Electronic and Mechanical Aids) 94 words
- Earnings-related Supplement 139 words
- Mine Workers (Early Retirement Scheme) 59 words
- Current Legislation (Staffing Implications) 107 words
- Invalidity, Sickness and Unemployment Benefit Claimants 66 words
- Supplementary Benefit Claimants 83 words
- Supplementary Benefit (Bedding and Clothing) 50 words
- Social Security Statistics 543 words
- Invalidity Benefit 489 words
- Mentally III Persons (Oxford) 348 words
- Sick and Disabled Dependants 222 words
- Supplementary Benefit Recipients (Rent Payments) 72 words
- Secure Accommodation (Essex) 188 words
- Pentachlorophenol 46 words
- Invalidity Pension 68 words
- Supplementary Benefit 171 words
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act (Provision of Telephones) 123 words
- Elderly Persons' Homes (Staffing Ratio) 107 words
- Home Helps 129 words
- Benefits (Increases) 193 words
- Industrial Injury Benefits 110 words
- Benefits (Social Security (No. 2) Bill) 208 words
- Elderly Persons (United Nations' Resolution) 84 words
- Social Security (No. 2) Bill 140 words
- National Insurance Benefits (Child Support) 63 words
- Pharmaceutical Firms (Clinical Trials) 86 words