HL Deb 16 April 1980 vol 408 c399WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will confirm that immigration officers are instructed to notify a passenger of his right to contact UKIAS or UNHCR on refusal of his application and before his removal, when that passenger has made a claim or given information which makes it appear that he might fall within the terms of paragraph 64 of the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules (H.C. 394); whether the information will be given orally or in writing and if the latter, whether they will give the text of the notification.


Written notices of refusal of leave to enter contain references to the passenger's rights of appeal and refer to the services of UKIAS. I am making copies of these notices available in the Library. In addition the immigration officer refers to the Home Office any case which might fall within the terms of paragraph 64 of the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules (H.C. 394) and the Home Office contacts UKIAS or UNHCR in appropriate cases.