HL Deb 14 April 1980 vol 408 cc111-2WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will invite Professor P. J. Lawther, chairman of the DHSS Working Party on Lead, to explain the statement in paragraph 208 of his report that, food is a major source [of lead in the body] and we have seen no evidence that this is substantially enhanced by contamination by airborne lead",

in view of the fact that Professor Bryce-Smith wrote to him on 2nd November last giving references to three major studies, by Tjell, Rabinowitz and Patterson, respectively, providing such evidence, and that Professor Lawther acknowledged this communication on 9th November.


I understand that the studies mentioned were among those considered by Professor Lawther's working party when reaching their conclusion that they had seen no evidence that the contribution of lead from food is enhanced to a substantial degree by contamination by airborne lead. The working party noted, however, in paragraph 186 of their report that part of the lead content of some foods comes from the air through direct contamination and from translocation from soil into vegetables and grasses, and suggested that the extent of this contribution to the total body burden of lead required further investigation. Relevant research studies are being commissioned by Her Majesty's Government in response to the Working Party's suggestion.