HC Deb 14 April 1980 vol 982 cc487-8W
Mr. Foster

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will make a statement about the number of science and technology courses which are expected to close as a result of capping the pool in the maintained section of higher education.

Dr. Boyson

No. As I have already made clear to the House, the advanced further education pool for 1980–81 has been set at a level which maintains resources for home students in that sector at about their present level. The Government's expenditure plans will, however, require local authorities and institutions to review most carefully the provision they make to ensure that their resources are deployed as effectively as possible.

for medical research are to be allocated as between different areas of research. The following is a list of the research projects on incontinence currently supported by the council, and the places where they are being carried out:—

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