HL Deb 24 October 1979 vol 402 cc194-6WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will update the Answer given to Lord Newall on 30th January 1979 (Hansard, Cols. 122–124).


The information updated as requested is given in the table overleaf.

1977–78 1978–79 1979–80
Cost Beneficiaries(1) Cost Beneficiaries(1) Cost Beneficiaries(1) Whether Taxable Month of Count of Beneficiaries
Benefits £m 000s £m 000s £m 000s
(Provisional) (Estimated)
Unemployment benefit 628.8 561 657.0 492 739.0 555 No Nov. or Aug.
Sickness benefit 585.4 452 655.0 472 700.0 N/A No June
Invalidity benefit 701.2 505 846.0 557 1,005.0 N/A No June
Maternity allowance 92.0 90 103.0 N/A 135.0 N/A No Mar. or Dec.
Maternity grant 593 N/A N/A No (2)
Death grant 15.2 567 16.0 581 16.0 N/A No (2)
Guardian's allowance 2.1 4 2.0 4 2.0 N/A Yes(3) Dec. or Oct.
and Child's special allowance 0.8 0.8 N/A Yes(3) Dec. or Oct.
Widows benefit 466.0 470 516.0 458 560.0 N/A Yes(3) Nov.
Retirement pension 6,591.6 8,458 7,509.0 8,602 8,793.0 N/A Yes(3) Nov.
Old person's pension 35.9 73 34.0 64 36.0 N/A Yes Nov.
Supplementary benefit(4) 1,847.4 2,991 2,042.0 2,932 2,300.0 N/A No Nov.
Non-contributory invalidity pensions 44.5 130 66.0 151 77.0 N/A No June
Attendance allowance 166.7 265 183.0 271 217.0 N/A No Dec.
Invalid care allowance 2.9 6 4.0 6 4.0 N/A Yes(3) Mar. or Sept.
Mobility allowance 19.8 61 48.0 101 84.0 N/A Yes Dec.
Industrial injury benefit 50.4 46 53.0 47 55.0 N/A No June
Industrial disablement pensions 191.1 201 217.0 N/A 250.0 N/A No Sept.
Industrial death benefit 29.0 31 32.0 31 36.0 N/A Yes(3) Dec.
Child benefit 873.5 7,047 1,787.0 7,060 2,800.0 7,173 No Oct. or Sept. and Mar 1979
Family income supplement(4) 25.3 83(5) 25.3 91(5) 25.0 N/A No (5)
War pensions 309.6 397 341.0 384 378.0 377 No(6) Dec or Sept. and Mar. 1979
Welfare food(4) 22.0 440 25.7 457 31.0 500 No (5)
Lump sum payment to pensioners etc. 98.0 9,800 102.0 10,200 102.0 10,200 No (2)
1. Except for maternity and death grants, the numbers of beneficiaries are the numbers at a given date indicated in the table.
2. The number of beneficiaries or awards in the twelve months ending in December.
3. A child dependancy addition paid with this benefit was taxable in 1977–78, only the first £80 of each addition was taxable in 1978–79, and in 1979–80 the addition is not taxable.
4. Supplementary benefit and family income supplement are means-tested and welfare food is mainly means-tested.
5. Annual average numbers.
6. In 1977–78 and 1978–79 half of a war widow's pension is liable to tax.
House adjourned at ten minutes before nine o'clock.