HC Deb 22 November 1979 vol 974 c349W
Mr. Ernie Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland which authorities, in those areas to which Scottish Education Department circular 991 applies, are dismissing teachers; whether this represents an alteration of the terms under which those teachers were orginally employed; and what effect the recent dismissals of teachers is having on the policy contained in the recommendations in that circular.

Mr. Alexander Fletcher

I am not aware that any education authority is dismissing teachers appointed to the additional posts created under the scheme announced in circular No. 991. I understand that Tayside regional council has decided to phase out the 30 additional posts in its area, but that the necessary reduction in teacher numbers will be achieved by natural wastage. The terms under which any individual teacher is

Number (000s)* Percentage*
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
Reaching minimum school-leaving age in academic year 1977–78 45 44 89 51 49 100
of whom—
(i) Staying on at school, 1978–79 15 15 30 17 17 34
(ii) Entering full-time or sandwich further education† 4 4 8 4 5 8
(iii) Entering employment with part-time day further education† 9 3 12 10 3 14
(iv) On unemployed register‡ 6 5 11 7 5 12
(v) Employed, not on part-time day courses 12 17 29 13 19 32
* Rounded.
† Provisional. Estimated from October 1978 figures.
‡ School leavers aged 17 and under on the register at October 1978. Figures provided by Manpower Services Commission.