§ Mr. Brothertonasked the Secretary of State for Education and Science, if he will list the level of public expenditure on the provision of school meals in Great Britain and in each of the EEC member nations.
§ Dr. BoysonNet expenditure on the school meals service in England and Wales in 1978–79 was £400 million. The school meals service in Scotland is the responsibility of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland. I have no information about expenditure on the school meals service in other EEC countries.
§ Mr. Brothertonasked the Secretary of State for Education and Science how many school meals were served in each of the last five years, and to date in 1979; and what percentage of their costs was paid out of public funds.
Thousands Total teachers (full-time and full-time equivalent of part-time) Head teachers (included in total) Nursery, primary and secondary sector 470.6 28.8 Special education sector 19.5 1.6 Total (maintained school sector) 490.1 30.4 Notes: 1. The total numbers of teachers are obtained from the Form 618G return which is completed by local education authorities. The numbers of head teachers are taken from returns by individual schools to my Department and to the Welsh Office. 2. The numbers of teachers on a head count basis, i.e. not reducing part-time teachers to a full-time equivalent basis, are:
Thousands Full-time Part-time Total Nursery, primary and secondary sector 453.7 37.6 491.3 Special education sector 18.7 2.0 20.7 Total (maintained school sector) 472.4 39.6 512.0 3. Special education includes unattached special units for handicapped children and education provided otherwise than at school under section 56 of the Education Act 1944 as well as special schools.