HL Deb 23 May 1979 vol 400 cc477-8WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How many appeals were lodged against notices of intention to deport in 1978; of such appeals disposed of in 1978, how many were dismissed, withdrawn, allowed and found to be outside the jurisdiction of the appellate authorities respectively; how many such appeals were pending on 31st December 1978; and whether they will give these figures together with those provided for 1977 in an answer of 13th April 1978 to facilitate comparisons between the two years.


The figures provided in the answer of 13th April 1978 related only to appeals which fell to be determined by adjudicators against notices of intention to deport as overstayers under Section 3(5)(a) of the Immigration Act 1971. The following table also includes the outcome of appeals direct to the Tribunal against notices of intention to deport under Section 3(5)(b) on conducive grounds and under Section 3(5)(c) as the member of the family of a person who is or has been ordered to be deported:

1977 1978
Lodged 633 592
Dismissed 489 523
Withdrawn 113 60
Allowed 25 14
No jurisdiction 3 3
Pending on 31st December 165 157