§ Mr. Russell Johnstonasked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will make a statement on the position relating to the qualifications of Scottish art teachers.
§ Mr. Alexander FletcherI understand that the Council for National Academic Awards—CNAA—has agreed that discussions should take place between its officers and the relevant bodies on the basis of the following principles:
- (a) holders of the Scottish Diploma of Art awarded from 1966 onwards who have completed a course subsequently approved for the award of a CNAA BA degree should be eligible to apply for a CNAA unclassified BA degree in substitution;
151- (b) holders of associateships awarded by Glasgow School of Art should be able to convert their award into a CNAA honours degree of the same classification;
- (c) diplomates from courses not yet approved for CNAA degrees will, from the date of any such future approval, be eligible to receive a CNAA BA degree in substitution; and
- (d) the CNAA will issue guidelines to the art colleges on the planning structure and content of conversion courses to enable holders of the diploma of art who wish to do so to convert that qualification into the Council's degree of BA with honours.
These discussions are now in progress.