HL Deb 15 March 1979 vol 399 c854WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How many ships, of what type and tonnage, are being built for Vietnam; at what cost: what is the selling price: how much subsidy is being provided and, if any, why: and on what grounds has it been decided not to provide Vietnam with any more British aid except on humanitarian grounds.


Vietnam recently placed an order with Austin and Pickersgill Limited, Sunderland, for four SD14 general cargo vessels of approximately 15,000 tons deadweight each. Details of the cost and selling price are commercially confidential, but no subsidy is required from the Shipbuilding Intervention Fund. On 13th February the Minister for Overseas Development stated in another place that £4.5 million is being provided under the aid trade contingency provision to assist the Government of Vietnam to buy these vessels. She also explained that, apart from any disaster and humanitarian aid, Her Majesty's Government propose to provide no further bilateral aid to Vietnam in the present circumstances of human rights there.

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