HC Deb 08 March 1979 vol 963 cc752-61W
Mr. Forman

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department which organisations he is consulting about the Lindop report on data protection.

Dr. Summerskill

Consultations on the report of the Data Protection Committee (Cmnd. 7341) are being conducted through several Departments.

Table A below lists the organisations being consulted by the Home Office and other London-based Departments. Table B lists the organisations being consulted by the Scottish Office. Table C lists the organisations being consulted by Northern Ireland Departments. My right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State for Wales will write to the hon. Gentleman about the consultations being conducted by the Welsh Office.


Organisations and Departments concerned

Access (The Joint Credit Card Company Ltd.)—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

American Express—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

Area Health Authorities—Department of Health and Social Security.

Assistant Masters and Mistresses Association—Department of Education and Science.

Associated Scottish Life Offices—Department of Trade.

Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry—Department of Health and Social Security.

Association of Chief Police Officers of England, Wales and Northern Ireland—Home Office.

Association of Colleges for Further and Higher Education—Department of Education and Science.

Association of Community Health Councils for England and Wales—Department of Health and Social Security.

Association of Computer Users—Department of Industry.

Association of County Councils—Department of the Environment.

Association of District Councils—Department of the Environment

Association of Mail Order Publishers—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Electrical Appliances—Department of Industry.

Association of Metropolitan Authorities—Department of the Environment.

Association of Nurse Administrators—Department of Health and Social Security.

Association of Principals of Colleges—Department of Education and Science.

Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs—Department of Employment.

Association of University Teachers—Department of Education and Science.

Automobile Association—Department of Transport.

Barclaycard—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

Boards of Governors of Postgraduate Teaching Hospitals—Department of Health and Social Security.

British Association for the Advancement of Science—Home Office.

British Association of Social Workers—Department of Health and Social Security.

British Bankers' Association—Treasury (Bank of England).

British Computer Society—Home Office.

British Dental Association—Department of Health and Social Security.

British Direct Mail Marketing Association—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers Association—Department of Industry.

British Insurance Association—Department of Trade.

British Insurance Brokers' Association—Department of Trade.

British Library Board—Department of Education and Science.

British Medical Association—Department of Health and Social Security.

British Printing Industries Federation—Department of Trade.

British Psychological Society—Home Office.

British Railways Board—Department of Transport.

British Security Industries Ltd.—Home Office.

British Waterways Board—Department of the Environment.

Building Societies Association—Registrar of Friendly Societies.

Business Education Council—Department of Education and Science.

Business Equipment Trade Association—Department of Industry.

Census Research Group—Department of Health and Social Security.

Central Midwives Board—Department of Health and Social Security.

Charities Aid Foundation—Home Office.

Chemical Industries' Association Ltd.—Department of Industry.

City and Guilds of London Institute—Department of Education and Science.

Civil Service National Whitley Council (Staff Side)—Civil Service Department.

Commissioner for Local Administration in England—Department of the Environment.

Committee of Directors of Polytechnics—Department of Education and Science.

Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of Universities of the United Kingdom—Department of Education and Science.

Community and Youth Services Association—Department of Education and Science.

Community Medicine Consultative Committee (BMA)—Department of Health and Social Security.

Computing Services Association—Department of Industry.

Computing—Home Office.

Confederation of British Industry—Department of Industry.

Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies—Department of Trade.

Consumer Credit Association—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

Consumers' Association—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

Co-operative Wholesale Society Ltd.—Home Office.

Council for National Academic Awards—Department of Education and Science.

Council of Technical Examining Bodies—Department of Education and Science.

Credit Data Ltd.—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

Diners Club—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

Directors of Social Services—Department of Health and Social Security.

Dun and Bradstreet Ltd.—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

Electricity Users Consumer Council—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

Electronic Engineering Association—Department of Industry.

Faculty of Actuaries (Scotland)—Government Actuary's Department.

Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors—Department of the Environment.

Finance Houses Association—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

Freemans (London SW9) Ltd.—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

Gas Users Consumer Council—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

GCE Examinations Boards:—Department of Education and Science.

Associated Examining Board for General Certificates of Education.

Joint Matriculation Board.

London University Entrance and School Examination Council.

Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board.

Oxford Delegacy of Local Examinations.

University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate.

General Electric Company Ltd.—Department of Industry.

General Medical Services Committee (BMA)—Department of Health and Social Security.

Greater London Council—Department of the Environment.

Headmasters' Association—Department of Education and Science.

Health Service Commissioner—Department of Health and Social Security.

Health Visitors' Association—Department of Health and Social Security.

Howard League for Penal Reform—Home Office.

Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.—Department of Industry.

Industrial Life Offices Association—Industrial Life Assurance Commissioner.

Industrial Society—Department of Industry.

Institute of Actuaries—Government Actuary's Department.

Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators—Department of Trade.

Institute of Data Processing Management—Home Office.

Institute of Employment Consultants—Department of Employment.

Institute of Health Service Administrators—Department of Health and Social Security.

Institute of Information Scientists—Home Office.

Institute of Manpower Studies—Department of Employment.

Institute of Personnel Management—Department of Employment.

Institute of Statisticians—Cabinet Office (CSO).

Insurance Brokers Registration Council—Department of Trade.

International Statistics Institute—Cabinet Office (CSD).

Joint Consultants Committee (BMA)—Department of Health and Social Security.

Joint Co-ordinating Committee (Medical Protection Society, Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland, Medical Defence Union)—Department of Health and Social Security.

Joint Matriculation Board—Department of Education and Science.

Justice—Home Office.

Law Commission—Lord Chancellor's Office.

Law Society—Home Office.

Library Association—Department of Education and Science.

Life Offices' Association—Department of Trade.

Lloyd's—Department of Trade.

Local Authorities' Conditions of Service Advisory Board—Department of the Environment.

Local Authorities' Management Services Computer Committee—Department of the Environment.

London Boroughs Association—Department of the Environment.

London Personal Finance Association—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

London Transport Executive—Department of Transport.

London University Entrance and School Examinations Council—Department of Education and Science.

Lucas Aerospace—Department of Industry.

Machine Tool Trades Association—Department of Industry.

Mail Order Traders' Association—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

Market Research Council—Home Office.

Management Consultants Association—Department of Industry.

Medical Research Council—Department of Education and Science.

Metropolitan Police—Home Office.

Mining Association of the United Kingdom—Department of Industry.

National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders—Home Office.

National Association of Chief Educational Social Workers—Department of Education and Science.

National Association for Gifted Children—Department of Education and Science.

National Association of Head Teachers—Department of Education and Science.

National Association for Mental Health (MIND)—Department of Health and Social Security.

National Association of Probation Officers—Home Office.

National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers—Department of Education and Science.

National Association of Social Workers in Education—Department of Education and Science.

National Association of Teachers in Higher and Further Education—Department of Education and Science.

National Association of Trade Protection Societies—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

National Association of Youth Community Education Offices—Department of Education and Science.

National Bus Company—Department of Transport.

National Computing Centre Ltd.—Home Office.

National Consumer Council—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

National Council for Civil Liberties—Home Office.

National Council for Social Service—Home Office.

National Council for Voluntary Youth Services—Department of Education and Science.

National Development Programme in Computer Assisted Learning—Department of Education and Science.

National Economic Development Office-Department of Industry.

National Electronics Council—Department of Industry.

National Farmers' Union—Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

National Federation of Building Trades Employers—Department of the Environment.

National Federation of Consumer Groups—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

National Foundation for Educational Research in England and Wales—Department of Education and Science.

Nationalised Industries Computer Committee—Department of Industry.

National Personal Finance Association—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

National Society for Art Education—Department of Education and Science.

National Union of Students (England)—Department of Education and Science.

National Union of Teachers—Department of Education and Science.

National Water Council—Department of the Environment.

Office of Fair Trading—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

Open University—Department of Education and Science.

Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration—Civil Service Department.

Patients' Association—Department of Health and Social Security.

Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain—Department of Health and Social Security.

Petroleum Industry Advisory Committee—Department of Energy.

Police Federation of England and Wales—Home Office.

Police Superintendents' Association of England and Wales—Home Office.

Post Office—Department of Industry.

Post Office Users National Council—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection. Press Council—Home Office.

Provident Financial Group—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

Regional Health Authorities—Department of Health and Social Security.

Rolls-Royce Ltd.—Department of Industry.

Royal College of Midwives—Department of Health and Social Security.

Royal College of Nursing—Department of Health and Social Security.

Royal Society of Arts—Department of Education and Science.

Royal Statistical Society—Cabinet Office (CSO).

Science Research Council—Department of Education and Science.

Scottish Consumer Council—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

Senate of the Inns of Court and the Bar—Home Office.

Social and Community Planning Research—Home Office.

Social Science Research Council—Department of Education and Science.

Social Science Research Council Archive—Home Office.

Society of Archivists—Home Office.

Society of Education Officers—Department of Education and Science.

Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders—Department of Industry.

Standing Conference for Local History—Home Office.

Standing Conference of Regional Advisory Councils—Department of Education and Science.

Stock Exchange—Department of Trade.

Technician Education Council—Department of Education and Science.

Telecommunications Engineering and Manufacturing Association—Department of Industry.

Thorn Electrical Industries Ltd.—Department of Industry.

Trades Union Congress—Department of Employment.

University Grants Committee—Department of Education and Science.

United Association for the Protection of Trade—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.

Universities Central Council on Admissions—Department of Education and Science.

University of London—Department of Education and Science.

Universities Statistical Record—Department of Education and Science.

Vickers Ltd.—Department of Industry.

Welsh Consumer Council—Department of Prices and Consumer Protection.


Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland.

Association of Lecturers in Scottish Central Institutions.

Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs, Scotland.

Association of Scottish Police Superintendents.

Centre for Educational Sociology (within Edinburgh University).

Committee of Principals of Colleges of Education (Scotland).

Committee of Principals and Directors of Central Institutions (Scotland).

Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service.

Convention of Scottish Local Authorities.

Educational Institute of Scotland.

Electricity Consultative Council for the South of Scotland.

General Teaching Council for Scotland.

Headteachers Association for Scotland.

Law Society of Scotland.

National Union of Students (Scotland).

North of Scotland Hydro-Electricity Board.

Registers of Scotland.

Scottish Assessors' Association.

Scottish Certificate of Education Examination Board.

Scottish Council for Civil Liberties.

Scottish Council for Educational Technology.

Scottish Council for Research in Education.

Scottish Further Education Association.

Scottish Health Boards.

Scottish Health Boards' Chief Administrative Medical Officers' Group.

Scottish Health Boards' Secretaries' Group.

Scottish Law Commission.

Scottish Police Federation.

Scottish Records Office.

Scottish Regional Computing Organisation.

Scottish Schoolteachers' Association.

Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association.

Scottish Trades Union Congress.

Scottish Transport Group.

Scottish Universities Council on Entrance.

Secondary Heads Association (Scottish Branch).

South of Scotland Electricity Board.


Organisations and Northern Ireland Departments concerned

Milk Marketing Board—Department of Agriculture.

Pigs Marketing Board—Department of Agriculture.

Ulster Farmers' Union—Department of Agriculture.

Whitley Council (Staff Side)—Department of the Civil Service.

Northern Ireland Consumer Council—Department of Commerce.

Northern Ireland Electricity Consumers' Council—Department of Commerce.

Northern Ireland Electricity Service Board—Department of Commerce.

Education and Library Boards—Department of Education.

New University of Ulster—Department of Education.

Northern Ireland Schools Examination Council—Department of Education.

Queen's University—Department of Education.

Youth Committee for Northern Ireland—Department of Education.

Association of Local Authorities for Northern Ireland—Department of the Environment.

Local Government Staff Commission for Northern Ireland—Department of the Environment.

Northern Ireland Housing Executive—Department of the Environment

Northern Ireland Holding Company—Department of the Environment.

Health and Social Services Boards—Department of Health and Social Security.

Northern Ireland Central Services Agency for Health and Social Services—Department of Health and Social Security.

Northern Ireland Council for Social Services—Department of Health and Social Security.

Northern Ireland Staffs Council for Health and Social Services—Department of Health and Social Security.

Supplementary Benefits Commission—Department of Health and Social Security.

Chamber of Commerce—Department of Manpower Services.

Confederation of British Industry (Northern Ireland)—Department of Manpower Services.

Northern Ireland Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions—Department of Manpower Services.

Northern Ireland Training Executive—Department of Manpower Services.

Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association—Northern Ireland Office.

Police Authority for Northern Ireland—Northern Ireland Office.

Standing Advisory Committee for Human Rights—Northern Ireland Office.

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