HC Deb 08 March 1979 vol 963 c801W
Mr. Gow

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the rateable value of the proposed Assembly building in Edinburgh; to what extent it is not yet ready to receive the proposed Assemblymen; what further money would have to be spent on the building and its furnishings and equipment before it is ready for the first meeting of the Assembly; and what price he would be able to obtain for this building on the open market.

Mr. Millan

For Crown buildings local authorities receive a contribution in lieu of rates based on an assessment by the Treasury valuer. No such assessment has yet been made in respect of the Royal high school buildings. Constructional and fitting-out work on Assembly accommodation was due for completion by the end of April. The total estimate of cost, as already reported to Parliament, is £3.75 million. The expenditure to date is £2.68 million, with contractual commitments for a substantial part of the balance. I am not considering alternative uses or consequent disposal values.

Mr. Maxwell-Hyslop

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what action he has taken to prevent any further expenditure from central Government funds on the provision of buildings, accommodation, fittings and equipment intended for the use of a Scottish Assembly, since the result of the referendum became known on Friday 2 March; and what action he is taking to dispose of any such items to reimburse public funds as far as possible.

Mr. Millan

Work under existing contracts is very far advanced. No further work will be commissioned or fittings ordered for the time being. I am not considering any question of disposal.