HC Deb 06 March 1979 vol 963 cc649-50W
Mr. Hoyle

asked the Secretary of State for Trade what has been the growth of manufactured imports (SITC 5–8) for each year since 1970; and how this compares with the growth of United Kingdom demand for manufactured goods in each of these years and with that of total domestic demand.

Mr. Meacher

, pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 5 March 1979; Vol. 963, c. 492], gave the following answer:

Information on the growth in the volume of imports of manufactured goods and of total final domestic demand is given in the table below. There is no readily available, definitive information on the United Kingdom demand for manufactured goods, at constant prices, consistent with the above series. I should, however like to draw to the attention of my hon. Friend the availability of statistics of import penetration, based on value data, in respect of manufacturing industry. Annual figures from 1970 to 1977 were included in an article "UK Import developments, 1970–77" which was published in Trade and Industry on 3 November 1978. Figures, in less detailed form, up to the third quarter of 1978 are due to be

c. 492], gave the following available information:

published in Trade and Industry on 9 March 1979.

percentage change on previous year
Manufactured* imports Total final domestic demand
1970 +7 +2½
1971 +10 +2
1972 +18 +4
1973 +21 +8
1974 +5 —3
1975 —6½ —3
1976 +9½ +2½
1977 +10 —½
1978 +13 +4½‡
* SITC(R2) Sections 5 to 8; 1975 prices; OTS basis.
Total final expenditure less exports at 1975 market prices.
‡ Q1–Q3 1978 compared with Q1–Q3 1977.

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