§ Sir Bernard Braineasked the Secretary of State for Employment what applications for additional storage of hazardous chemicals and liquids on Canvey Island have been examined by the Health and Safety Executive since July 1978: what were the quantities involved in each case: and what advice has been given to the licensing authority.
§ Mr. Mayhew, pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 20 June 1979], gave the following answer:
The chairman of the Health and Safety Commission informs me that the Health and Safety Executive has examined one application for additional storage at Canvey Island since July 1978. The application was for the erection of six tanks with a total capacity of 4,842 cubic metres. The advice given to the licensing authority concerned was that the proposed development would not affect the nearby major hazard installation nor create additional risk to persons on the premises or outside the curtilage of the site. It was considered therefore that there were no strong reasons on health and safety grounds why the proposed development should not be permitted.