HC Deb 13 June 1979 vol 968 cc244-5W
Mr. Field

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer how much (a)income tax on earned income at the standard rate, (b) income tax on earned income at the higher rates, (c) income tax on unearned income, (d)indirect tax and (e) corporation tax, remained uncollected for each year since 1974; and how much of each year's uncollected tax was ultimately recovered.

Mr. Peter Rees

The information is not available in precisely the form requested: it is not practicable for the Inland Revenue to analyse the income tax uncollected into tax on earned and unearned income or to differentiate between tax at the basic and higher rates.

However, I refer the hon. Member to the information about collection of the assessed taxes in paragraphs 49–52 and

Income tax Corporation tax
1. Gross charge raised in year to 31 October 1974 2,176.5 2,724.3
2. Less adjustments to charge in same year* 287.9 373.9
3. Net charge at end of year 1,888.6 2,360.4
4. Less amount paid in same year 1,540.0 1,913.6
5. Charge outstanding at end of year 348.6 446.8
(as percentage of net charge at end of year—line 3) (18.5) (18.9)
6. Less adjustments to charge in following year of account* 112.0 168.0
7. Less amount paid in following year of account 137.2 177.9
8. Charge outstanding at end of following year of account 99.4 100.9
(as percentage of net charge at end of the following year)† (5.6) (4.6)
of which:
9. Not then collectable 53.0 68.9
(as percentage of net charge at the end of the following year)† (3.0) (3.1)
10. Then collectable 46.4 32.0
(as percentage of net charge at end of the following year)† (2.6) (1.5)
* Adjustments include increases on appeal, discharges and remissions.
† Net charge at end of the following year is the gross charge (line 1) less adjustments to date (line 2 and 6).

The amounts of value added tax outstanding were:

Amount outstanding 6 months after end of year Amount recovered or written off by 31 December 1978
Year ending 31 March
1976 76.4 65.3
1977 56.5 40.3
1978 42.0 11.3

Figures are not available for the financial years 1973–74 and 1974–75.