HC Deb 24 July 1979 vol 971 cc158-60W
Mr. Parry

asked the Lord Privy Seal what is the total number of prosecutions made in Hong Kong for each year since 1974 for employing children under 14 years of age in the following industries (a) garments, (b) textiles, (c) toys, (d) electronics, and (e) plastics.

Mr. Maker

The total number of prosecutions for the years since 1977 is as follows:

have taken place since 1974 in Hong Kong and what was the total number of children involved for the total amount of fines imposed in these cases.

Mr. Blaker

The information is as follows:

Mr. Blaker

The information requested is given for the labour inspectorate as well as the factory inspectorate since the former is responsible in Hong Kong for the detection of illegal employment of children:

It is not possible to forecast the strengths of the two inspectorates after the current year.

Mr. Parry

asked the Lord Privy Seal how many children under 14 years of age in Hong Kong are estimated to be currently working legally and how many illegally.

Mr. Blaker

No figures are available.

Mr. Parry

asked the Lord Privy Seal if he will publish in the Official Report

Prosecutions Conventions Acquittals
1974 321 313 1
1975 306 298 1
1976 332 326 0
1977* 459 446 1
1978 336 318 2
1979—up to 30 June 1979 127 116 1
TOTAL 1,881 1,817 6

Highest Lowest In Hong Kong dollars Average/Case
1974 2,000 15 289
1975 1,500 75 332
1976 4,000 25 543
1977* 5,000 30 1,096
1978 6,000 50 954
1979—up to 30 June 1979 3,500 100 1,086
* The maximum fine before 6 May 1977 was HK $5,000. After that date, it was raised to HKS 10,000 as a result of the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Amendment) Regulations 1977. The scope of the regulations was extended by the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 1977.

Mr. Parry

asked the Lord Privy Seal what legislation exists in Hong Kong to regulate the employment of children under 14 years of age as outworkers at home; and what legislation is contemplated in the near future.

Mr. Blaker

There is no such legislation at present, and none is contemplated.

Mr. Parry

asked the Lord Privy Seal what legislation exists in Hong Kong to regulate the employment of children under 14 years of age as outworkers at home; and what legislation is contemplated in the near future.

Mr. Blaker

There is no such legislation at present, and none is contemplated.

Mr. Parry

asked the Lord Privy Seal what new legislation has been introduced in Hong Kong since June 1974 that regulates the employment of children under 14 years of age, stating in each case the title of the ordinance, the date of introduction and what sections of the ordinances concern such employment.

Mr. Blaker

The following legislation regulating the employment of children the number of prosecutions which have taken place for employing children under 14 years of age in Hong Kong since 1974, the number of convictions and acquittals, the maximum available fine and the highest, lowest and average fines imposed; and if he will indicate for each year where new legislation has enlarged the scope of the regulations.

Mr. Blaker

The information is as follows:

in industrial undertakings has been enacted since 1974:

  1. 1. The Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Amendment) Regulations, which came into effect on 6 May 1977, raised the maximum penalty for offences relating to the employment of children from HK$5,000 to HK$10,000.
  2. 2. The Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 1977, which came into effect on 23 December 1977, extended the scope of these regulations to airports and industrial undertakings which are not carried on by way of trade or for purposes of gain.
  3. 3. The Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance 1979 enacted on 18 July will enable regulations to be made under the Employment Ordinance—Chapter 57—to prohibit or control the employment of children in all sectors. The new regulations will extend the existing prohibition on the employment of children in industrial undertakings to non-industrial establishments, and the minimum age of employment generally will be 14 from 1 September and 15 from 1 September 1980.