HC Deb 20 July 1979 vol 970 cc877-9W
Mr. Torney

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) if, in view of the fact that small poultry processors will face costs of up to 12p per bird under the new EEC inspection regulations, he will at least continue the

Mr. Wiggin

The most recent data from the statistical office of the European Community to give average hourly earnings in agriculture on a comparable basis in EEC member States relates to 1977 and are as follows:

policy of the previous Government and pay 50 per cent. of the cost of this inspection, and so avoid forcing many small processors out of business;

(2) if, in order to bring the United Kingdom poultrymeat inspection scheme into line with other European Economic Community countries, and to maintain the competitiveness of the industry, he will continue to pay the 50 per cent. grant awarded by the previous Government;

(3) if, in view of the fact that France, Holland, Denmark and Germany heavily subsidise the inspection schemes for their poultrymeat industry, he will assist the poultrymeat industry, particularly in view of the 15 August deadline, when the new regulations become operative.

Mr. Peter Walker

Inspection costs of the order mentioned are not typical. The extent to which some other member States subsidise their poultrymeat inspection service appears to vary considerably. The request by the industry in this country for a continuation of Government assistance is being considered.

Mr. Mason

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he has now given further consideration to the continuation of financial assistance to poultrymeat inspection beyond 15 August; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Peter Walker

The industry's request for a continuation of Government assistance is being considered and I hope to announce a decision shortly.

Mr. Torney

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will request the European Economic Community immediately to postpone the operation of the poultrymeat hygiene regulations on 15 August until agreement has been reached upon payment for the implementation of the regulations.

Mr. Peter Walker

Such a postponement would require amendment to the Poultry Meat (Hygiene) Regulations 1976 in addition to the relevant EEC directive. I have no plans to seek a postponement.

Mr. Strang

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will take steps to ensure that the poultrymeat industry is not at a disadvantage compared with the industry in other Community countries regarding the level of Government financial support provided towards the cost of the poultrymeat inspectors service required by the EEC poultrymeat hygiene directive.

Mr. Peter Walker

The EEC Commission is proposing to check on the way each member State is implementing the Community legislation on poultrymeat hygiene. We understand that its inquiries will cover both standards and charges. We are supporting these plans as a step towards ensuring that the legislation will be applied similarly throughout the Community.

Mr. Strang

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what is the estimated inspector's cost per bird of the poultrymeat hygiene regulations when full inspection becomes mandatory in August; and what are the comparable estimates for other member States in the Community if they are readily available.

Mr. Peter Walker

Although there will be considerable variation depending mainly on size and throughput of individual plants, we estimate that the average cost of inspection is likely to be about 1p per bird. We have no comparable figures for other member States.