HL Deb 19 July 1979 vol 401 cc1617-8WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will list the ages, nationalities and length of detention of all minors who have been detained in Harmondsworth detention centre during 1978 and 1979 and the latest convenient date; and if they will state what special arrangements are made to protect their welfare.


The recorded nationality and length of detention of people believed to be minors in 1978 and to 30th June 1979 is as follows:

1978 1.1.79 to 30.6.79
Afghanistan 1 11
Australia 1 4
Bangladesh 28 5
Bulgaria 1
Colombia 1
Cyprus 3
Egypt 5 2
Ghana 19 4
Hong Kong 2 3
India 57 15
Iran 6 39
Iraq 1
Kenya 1 2
Lebanon 5
Morocco 5 1
Nigeria 13 3
Pakistan 85 31
Portugal 7
Rhodesia 2
South Africa 2
Spain 6 2
Sri Lanka 1
Sudan 1
Sweden 1
Tanzania 2
Turkey 6 6
Zambia 4
Nationality doubtful 1
1978 1.1.79 to 30.6.79
Algeria 3
Argentina 3
Austria 1
Hungary 2
Italy 1
Jamaica 2
Mexico 2
Uganda 3
Stateless 1
Total 271 149
Length of Detention
No nights 33 10
1 night 92 101
2 nights 51 19
3 nights 15 1
4 nights 14 5
5 nights 7 1
6 nights 4 4
7 nights 7 4
8–15 nights 12 2
16–23 nights 16 1
24–31 nights 5 1
32–62 nights 6
63–93 nights 5
129 nights 3
142 nights 1
Total 271 149

If a child admitted to the detention centre is, or looks to be, under 17 years of age he is allowed to be with his/her parents if they, too, are detained. Unaccompanied children are placed in the care of a selected female detainee. Female Securicor orderlies must be present at all times that children are detained. Small children of either sex sleep in the women's quarters.

The ages of minors detained are not centrally recorded and the information could only be obtained at disproportionate cost.

House adjourned at twenty-nine minutes past eigh to'clock.