HL Deb 17 July 1979 vol 401 c1412WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Why members of Parliament visiting prison establishments are refused leave to bring advisers with them or to use either cameras or tape recorders within the prison.


The Government recognise that Members of Parliament have a public interest in prison conditions and, on request, the Secretary of State for the Home Department readily accords them wherever possible special facilities to interview constituents or to make visits to prison establishments generally. These special facilities cannot be extended to other persons in order that they may accompany Members, although the Secretary of State is always willing to consider on their merits requests from such persons for particular facilities.

In the interests of security and control, it is normal practice not to permit the use of cameras and tape-recorders within penal establishments, but exceptions are sometimes made for the media and may be approved for other purposes where the need is established.