HC Deb 31 January 1979 vol 961 cc447-50W
Mr. Wall

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what agreements with the USSR or other countries have been signed by representatives of the United Kingdom that have not yet been reported to Parliament.

Mr. Luard

No recent agreements have been signed with the USSR.

The following agreements concluded by the United Kingdom with other countries have not yet been laid before Parliament as Command Papers. They will be laid and published in the next few weeks.

BOTSWANA Exchange of Notes further amending the British Expatriates Supplementation (Botswana) Agreement 1976—Gaborone, 19 October 1978.


Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom—and the Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Netherlands—and the Government of Brazil concerning the Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Arrangements relating to the proposed exports to Brazil of uranium enriched in the United Kingdom under the terms of contracts between URENCO and NUCLEBRAS—Brazilia, 1 September 1978.


Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation—Brunei, 7 January 1979.

Exchange of Notes terminating the special treaty relations between the United Kingdom and the State of Brunei—Brunei, 7 January 1979.


Agreement and protocol on scientific and technological co-operation—London 15 November 1978.


Cultural convention—San Jose, 7 December 1978.


Exchange of Notes concerning compensation for losses suffered by certain United Kingdom nationals as a result of implementation of Cuban nationalisation, expropriation and similar laws and measures since 1 January 1959—Havana, 18 October 1978.


Convention on social security and protocol concerning health care and co-operation in the field of medicine and public health—London, 12 December 1978.


Exchange of Notes concerning a reform of the judicial system in the New Hebrides—London, 15 December 1978.


Exchange of Notes concerning the application of safeguards to proposed exports to Brazil of uranium enriched in the United Kingdom by URENCO—Bonn, 4 September 1978.


Agreement concerning public officers' pensions—Georgetown, 26 July 1977.


Agreement on co-operation in the field of medicine and public health—Budapest, 1 November 1978.


Exhange of Notes concerning the extension to Hong Kong of the convention providing for the reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil matters—Tel Aviv/Jerusalem, 20 September 1978.


Exchange of Notes amending the agreement for air services between and beyond their respective territories signed at Blantyre on 27 September 1968—Lilongwe, 16 August and 10 October 1978.


Agreement concerning the mutual recognition of tonnage certificates of merchant ships—Monaco, 5 January 1979.


Exchange of Notes concerning the mutual abolition of visas—Abidjan, 1 June 1976.


Protocol supplementary to the agreement of 10 March 1965 relating to the delimitation of the continental shelf between the two countries—Oslo, 22 December 1978.


Exchange of Notes constituting the United Kingdom-Pakistan—Tarbela no. 10—agreement 1978—Islamabad, 16 October 1978.


Convention on co-operation in the field of culture, education and science—London, 7 November 1978.


Convention on social security—London, 15 November 1978.

Exchange of Notes constituting the United Kingdom-Portugal loan agreement 1978—Lisbon, 7 November 1978.


Exchange of Notes amending the agreement of 1 December 1971 concerning assistance for the Armed Forces of Singapore and the arrangements for a United Kingdom force in Singapore, 26 July 1978.

Agreement on behalf of the Government of the State of Brunei and the Government of the Republic of Singapore for air services between and beyond the State of Brunei and the Republic of Singapore—London, 13 December 1978.


Agreement in respect of the regulation of the taxation of road vehicles engaged in international transport—London, 24 August 1978.


Agreement concerning public officers' pensions—Colombo, 16 May 1978.


Agreement for the promotion of the investment of capital and for the protection of investment—London, 28 November 1978.


Agreement on certain commercial debts—Ankara, 17 November 1978.

Exchange of Notes constituting the United Kingdom-Turkey refinancing loan agreement 1978—Ankara, 2 and 17 November 1978.


Exchange of Notes concerning the Overseas Service (Tuvalu) (Continuance) Agreement 1971–1978—Suva, 5 December and Funafuti, 6 December 1978.


Exchange of Notes relating to the use of certain defence areas in the Turks and Caicos Islands—Washington, 29 December 1978.

Exchange of Notes amending the agreement signed at London on 27 March 1941, as amended, relating to the leased naval and air bases in Bermuda—Washington, 5 and 6 December 1978.


Exchange of Notes with the Inter-American Development Bank concerning the exemption of certain employees from the United Kingdom social security scheme—Washington, 1 November 1978.

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