HC Deb 23 February 1979 vol 963 cc314-8W
Mr. McNamara

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) how many persons have been detained under the provisions of the Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act; how many have subsequently been charged with offences; and with which offences they have been charged;

(2) of the charges brought against suspects initially held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, if any have been dropped before the case was heard, if so, which charges; if any charges have led to an unsuccessful prosecution, if so, which charges; if any charges led to a successful prosecution; and, if so, what was the sentence imposed.

Mr. Merlyn Rees

, pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 9 February 1979, Vol. 962, c. 3147], gave the following information:

Some of the figures in the table below differ from those given in previous written answers following a complete review of all the information available centrally on persons detained under the Acts and charged with criminal offences.

Number of persons:
Principal offence with which charged Total Not proceeded with Awaiting trial Acquitted Found guilty Sentences
Charged in Great Britain
Offences under Prevention of Terrorism Acts 32(a) 12 7(b) 13 10 years; 8 years; 2 years (2); 1 year (2); 5 months; 3 months (3); 1 day; fine (2)
Conspiracy to commit above 24 24
Murder 4 1(c) 3
Attempted murder 3 3 Life (3)
Conspiracy to murder 1 1
Causing/conspiracy to cause explosions 24 2 5 17 20 years (2); 16 years; 15 years; 14 years (2); 12 years; 10 years (6); 7 years; 5 years; 4 years; Borstal
Unlawful possession/conspiracy to possess explosives with intent to endanger life 14 2 3 9 14 years; 12 years (2); 10 years (2); 7 years; 5 years; 4 years (2)
Offences under Firearms Act 1968 12 12 7 years; 15 months; 3 months; suspended sentence (2); fine (6); firearm confiscated
Burglary/aggravated burglary 10 1 1 1 7 6 years; 6 months; 3 months (2); fine (3)
Other Theft Act offences 52 4 7 41 3 years; 2 years; 6 months (3); 4 months; 3 months (2); suspended sentence (4); probation (3); fine (23); conditional discharge
Forgery 1 1 Fine
Violence against the person 6 6 3 months; fine (4); conditional discharge
Non-payment of fine 9 2 7 6 months (2); 30 days; made to pay fine (3); attachment of earnings
Other offences 14 3 1 10 4 months; fine (5); conditional discharge (3); absolute discharge
Total charged in Great Britain 206 9 51 20 126

Number of persons:
Principal offence with which charged Total Not proceeded with Awaiting trial Acquitted Found guilty Sentences
Returned to Northern Ireland and charged
Murder 8 4(d) 3 1 Life
Causing an explosion 6 2 4 7 years; 5 years; 2 years; 18 months
Unlawful possession of explosives 4 1 3 7 years; 5 years; 9 months detention
Firearms offences 5 1 4 Suspended sentence (4)
Robbery 4 1 3 6 years; 5 years; borstal
Burglary 5 5 3 years; 1 year; 10 months; borstal; conditional discharge
Theft 1 1 Conditional discharge
Riotous behaviour 1 1 3 months
Total charged in Northern Ireland 34 8 4 22
Returned to the Republic of Ireland and charged
Causing an explosion 1 1
Burglary 2 1(e) 1 Conditional discharge
Theft 1 1 Probation
Total charged in the Republic of Ireland 4 1 1 2
Total 244 18 56 20 150
(a) In addition, eight person were originally held under other powers than the Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act and subsequently charged with offences under the Act; four were not proceeded with and four were found guilty, one of whom was sentenced to eight years and three to five years imprisonment.
(b) One of these persons was found guilty of harbouring a terrorist and sentenced to two years' imprisonment.
(c) Found guilty of a lesser offence—possession of explosives—and sentenced to five months' imprisonment.
(d) Found guilty of lesser offences—two manslaughter; one robbery; one firearms offence—and sentenced to eight years, seven years, four years and 15 months imprisonment respectively.
(e) Found guilty of theft and sentenced to nine months' imprisonment.