§ Mr. Gordon Wilsonasked the Secretary of State for Scotland why he has delayed in answering a letter of 14 November 1978 from the hon. Member for Dundee, East regarding proposals to merge the history and geography departments at Dundee college of education.
ROADS £ million 1978 survey prices 1976–77 1977–78 1978–79 1979–80 Local Authority New Construction Planned 72.1 59.9 51.8 53.1 Actual/Estimated 57.1 42.7 51.8* 53.1* Percentage shortfall (—) −21 per cent. −29 per cent. — — * Estimated; actual not yet available. The planned figures for each year are based on the relevant figures in Cmnd. 6393, Cmnd. 6721, Cmnd. 7049 and Cmnd. 7439. The 1978–79 estimate is based on later information than the corresponding Cmnd. 7049 figure.