§ Mr. George Grantasked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the total number of vacancies for instructors in the training opportunities scheme in the Northern region at the most recent date; if he will list the courses where the vacancies exist; and what are his proposals for filling these vacancies.
§ Mr. GoldingI am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that there are immediate vacancies for 22 class instructors in skillcentres in the Northern region in the following courses:
- Pipe Fitting
- Capstan Setting/Operating
- Centre Lathe Turning
240- Milling Setting/Operating
- Plate and Structural Steelwork
- Toolmaking Fitting and Machining
- Welding (7)
- Fitting Electrical
- Instrument Maintenance (2)
- Radio, TV and Electronic Servicing
- Contractors Plant Repair and Maintenance
- Heavy Vehicle Repair and Maintenance
- Motor Vehicle Repair and Maintenance
- Miscellaneous Engineering (2)
A further seven class instructors will be needed to take the places of instructors due to be promoted or transferred and 10 more are needed for relief duties.
The Manpower Services Commission is continuing to make every possible effort, including local advertising, to fill these vacancies.