HC Deb 06 February 1979 vol 962 c141W
Mr. Carter-Jones

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services when he expects to be able to give the information on perinatal and infant mortality promised in his reply to hon. Members, Official Report, 17 November 1978, column 408.

£ million S. 78 prices
1977–78 1978–79 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82
1. Total "Other Changes" -106 -14 +98 +83 +87
2. Underspending -106*
3. Additions to previous planned levels +95 +80 +84
4. Revision during the year of estimates of PSS expenditure -14
5. Miscellaneous estimating and price-forcasting changes +3 +3 +3
* Family Practitioner Services: —£22 million; Personal Social Services: —£25: Hospital Community and Other Health Services: —£59 million.

The main part of the "other changes" in section 12 of table 5.10 is due to demographic variations since Cmnd. 7049 and to changes in the levels assumed for earnings, prices and unemployment since the publication of that White Paper.

£ million
1977–78 -71
1978–79 -229
1979–80 -116
1980–81 -66
1981–82 +62

In addition, there are some changes due to the movement towards the fortnightly payment of benefits to the unemployed during 1979–80.

These amount to:

£ million
1979–80 18
1980–81 2
1981–82 2