HC Deb 05 February 1979 vol 962 cc74-5W
Mr. Viggers

asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will list in the Official Report (a) the terminal pay, gratuity and pension, respectively, of a lieutenant commander, Royal Navy, assuming 25 years' service, or other convenient and representative period, and a retirement date of 1 January 1976, 1 January 1977, 1 January 1978, 1 January 1979 and projected comparisons for 1 January 1980 and 1 May 1980, assuming the effect of pay increases scheduled to take effect by those dates and (b) the same figures adjusted to real terms in order to take account of inflation.

Mr. Robert C. Brown

Although the compulsory age for retirement of a lieutenant-commander Royal Navy is now 50, officers who joined before 1 May 1957 may choose to be retired at age 45. Officers retired at that age would normally have 24 years reckonable service and therefore the rates quoted in the table have been related to that period of service. It is not possible to quote rates of retired pay for retirements on 1 January 1980 and 1 May 1980 since the pay of the Armed Forces—on which retired pay is calculated—will be decided by the Government in the light of the recommendations of the Armed Forces Pay Review

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
Data of Retirement Pensionable salary Terminal grant (3 times retired pay) Retired pay awarded on retirement Retired pay increased by pensions increase measure (the terminal grant is not increasable) (see Note 2) Retired pay(d) increased by the movement in the retail Price index from date of retirement (column (a) to 14 November 1978
£ £ £ £ £
1 January 1976 5,914 6,603 2,201 3,834 3,013
1 January 1977 6,216 6,951 2,317 3,207 2,722
1 January 1978 6,420 7,188 2,396 2,890 2,561
1 January 1979 8,440 9,426 3,142
1. Pensions increases are not normally put into payment until the officer reaches age 55, but they can be paid immediately upon the Officer's becoming permanently incapacitated by physical or mental infirmity from engaging in any regular full-time employment.
2. These increases are based on an assumed retirement date of 1 April of the previous year