HC Deb 07 December 1979 vol 975 c355W
Mr. Bright

asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether his Department is currently undertaking any detailed study of labour mobility amongst council house tenants; and when he expects to lay measures to improve their mobility before the House.

Mr. Jim Lester

My Department is not undertaking any such study and there are no plans to do so. I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that it will shortly be reviewing its arrangements to promote geographical mobility but that it is unlikely that there will be a detailed study of labour mobility amongst council house tenants.

Responsibility for the Government's policy on legislation affecting the powers and duties of local authorities and on housing lies with my right hon. Friends the Secretary of State for the Environment, for Scotland and for Wales. The details of the Commission's arrangements to promote mobility of labour are not subject to Parliamentary procedure, but I will keep the House informed.

Mr. Bright

asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether his Department has been involved with the local authorities in discussions designed to make it possible for council house tenants to move more easily from one local authority area to another in search of work.

Mr. Jim Lester

Neither my Department nor the Manpower Services Commission has made any central approach to local authorities, through their associations, but from time to time individual officials of the Commission have made approaches to individual authorities to facilitate movements for particular workers.