§ Mr. Robert Taylorasked the Secretary of State for Employment if any submissions had been made to his Department prior to 7 November with regard to the proposed transfer of responsibility for the underwater training school for divers at Fort William from the Shenley Trust Limited to the petroleum industry training board; and if so, on what date such submission was made, and from whom.
§ Mr. Jim LesterFollowing a review of the underwater training centre, the Manpower Services Commission made a recommendation to my Department on 3 September that the petroleum industry training board should be invited to take responsibility for the centre on termination of the existing arrangements for the centre's management. We attach importance to the work of the centre but the present total dependence on public funds cannot be justified and must be changed. We shall therefore be having discussions with the industry to secure more financial292W support from it for the centre and will be considering the proposed new management arrangements. In the meantime we have asked the MSC to arrange for the present management contract for the centre to be extended for six months.