HC Deb 03 April 1979 vol 965 cc559-60W
16. Mr. Shepherd

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether he is satisfied with industrial relations in the National Health Service.

19. Mr. Eyre

asked the Secretary of State for Social Service whether he is satisfied with industrial relations in the National Health Service.

59. Sir George Young

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether he is satisfied with industrial relations in the National Health Service.

Mr. Ennals

Naturally I very much regret the way in which the National Health Service has been disrupted by industrial action in the first part of this year. I have repeatedly made it clear how much I deplore any action which harms the interests of patients.

I take comfort for the future, however, from the fact that settlements have now been reached in respect of nurses and midwives, ancillary workers and ambulancemen. I am sure that there is a genuine will by all concerned to get things back to normal as quickly as possible. I am particularly pleased and impressed by the dignity and restraint shown by nurses in reaching agreement without recourse to industrial action. It is our hope and belief that the reference of the pay claims for these groups to the Standing Commission on pay comparability will open the way for agreements which will make it unnecessary for National Health Service staff to resort to industrial action in future.