HC Deb 03 April 1979 vol 965 c675W
Mr. Ridsdale

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the present number of persons awaiting admission to hospitals in the Colchester district; what was the comparable figure a year ago; and how many have been waiting for a year or more for surgery classified as non-urgent.

Mr. Moyle

The information requested is as follows:

1. In-patients waiting lists in the Colchester district for the latest available date were:

30 September 1978 4,101
30 September 1977 3,030

2. Number of patients waiting more than one year for non-urgent surgery:

30 September 1978 297
30 September 1977 241

Mr. Ridsdale

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services by what date he expects the extensions to the Clacton hospital to be completed; and, in view of the urgency of improvements, what steps he is taking to complete these extensions.

Mr. Moyle

The first phase of the development of Clacton hospital as a community hospital is expected to be completed by 1984. The authority is proceeding with the scheme as quickly as possible.

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