HC Deb 30 November 1978 vol 959 c280W
Mr. Scott-Hopkins

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how many calves and barren cows, respectively, were exported to the EEC for slaughter up to the most recent convenient date; and what is his estimate of the proportion of the average dairy farmer's income which is derived from the sale of barren cows and calves for export on the hoof and destined for slaughter from the United Kingdom to another EEC member State.

Mr. Bishop:

Separate figures for barren cows are not available but the numbers of calves and cows other than those for breeding and dairy purposes exported to the EEC in the first 10 months of 1978 were as follows:



Cows other than for breeding and dairying


It is estimated that approximately 8 per cent. of the average dairy farmer's income would currently be derived directly from this trade, though the existence of the trade has an additional unquantifiable effect on the generality of calf and barren cow prices.