HC Deb 29 November 1978 vol 959 c267W
Mrs. Wise

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what proportion of children receive at least one adequate vision test before reaching school age.

Mr. Moyle:

I regret that the information is not available but the recommendation in the report of the Vernon committee on the education of the visually handicapped—1972—that all children should be screened for visual handicap at child health clinics was drawn to the attention of all health authorities in 1974.

In the first year of life virtually all children are seen at home by health visitors and over 90 per cent, attend

Sandwell AHA West Bromwich and District General Surgery 416
Orthopaedic 165
Ophthalmology 17
Dental Surgery 13
Hallam General Surgery 450
Ear, Nose and Throat 305
Gynaecology 55
Heath Lane, Stallings Lane and Moxley Geriatric 40
Midland Centre Neurology 126*
Neurosurgery 79*
Psycho-geriatric services are provided at All Saints, West Birmingham by the AHA(T).
Dudley AHA Guest General Surgery 411
Orthopaedic 76
Gynaecology 225
Corbett General Surgery 593
Orthopaedic 263
Ophthalmology 31
Ear, Nose and Throat 101
Wordsley General Surgery 871
Orthopaedic 632
Gynaecology 348
Plastic Surgery 1,889*
Dental Surgery 371*
Dermatology 7
Hayley Green Geriatric 7
Burton Road Geriatric/Psycho-Geriatric 24
Prestwood Geriatric 33
*Services provided to other areas within the region.