HC Deb 27 November 1978 vol 959 c17W
28. Mr. Dykes

asked the Secretary of State for Trade what examination he has made of the trends established in the patterns of United Kingdom trade in recent years with European countries, Commonwealth countries and the United States of America; and what conclusion he has reached therefrom.

Thousand tons January-September
1974 1975 1976 1977 1978
TOTAL 3,485 4,990 2,791 2,400 1,821
of which consigned from:
Australia 980 2,583 1,443 838 845
United States of America 1,652 1,766 738 435 263
Netherlands 23 35 128 333 13
Federal Republic of German) 69 40 166 200 168
Belgium-Luxembourg 2 8 81 183 13
Poland 681 93 126 174 360
Soviet Union 1 28 146 81
Irish Republic 10 45 14 41 38
France 2 8 24 1
Morocco 6 15 16 18
South Africa 9 26 13 5 19
Canada 46 359 0 0
Other countries 6 33 30 4 2


(a) Because of rounding, there may be slight discrepancies between the totals shown and the sums of the constituent items.

(b) — nil trade.

(c) 0 trade less than 500 tons.

Source: United Kingdom Overseas Trade Statistics. SITC (Rev 1) Sub—group 321.4 and SITC (Rev 2) Sub-groups 322.1 and 322.2.