HC Deb 23 November 1978 vol 958 c725W
Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what has been the decline in employment in the spinning, weaving and finishing sec-tors of the textile industry in the North-West during the past 12 months (a) in percentage terms and (b) in persons now unemployed.

Mr. Golding

It is estimated that between August 1977 and August 1978 employment in the textile industry in the North-West fell by 7,000–6.3 per cent.—to 111,400. Separate figures for the different parts of the industry are not available. Changes in the number of unemployed over the same period are as follows:

Numberof registered unemployed
Industry in which last employed August 1977 August 1978 Absolute change
Textiles 7,636 7,734 +98
Of which:
Spinning 2,311 2,308 -3
Weaving 1,814 1,739 -75
Textile finishing 996 1,093 +97