HC Deb 25 May 1978 vol 950 cc685-6W
Mrs. Bain

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will take steps to

Mr. Millan

In recognition of the importance of re-establishing Hampden Park as Scotland's national football stadium and of the scale of the developments which are now necessary if this aim is to be achieved, the Government are prepared in principle to meet 50 per cent. of the capital cost of the project which is now under consideration. This commitment is subject to an upper limit of £5.5 million, at current prices, and is given on the following conditions:

  1. i. that the remaining 50 per cent. is met, in such proportions as may be agreed, by other interested bodies including Strathclyde Regional Council, the City of Glasgow District Council, the Scottish Football Association, the Scottish Football League and Queen's Park Football Club;
  2. ii. that the local authorities and football bodies concerned form a consortium for the purpose of financing and managing the project and thereafter of meeting the maintenance and other running costs of the stadium, for which no Government grant will be available; and
  3. iii. that the detailed proposals for redevelopment are approved by my Department.

I hope that on the strength of this firm commitment of Government support the project will quickly get under way; and to this end I propose shortly to hold further discussions with the interests concerned.