HC Deb 19 May 1978 vol 950 cc354-6W
Mr. Spearing

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will tabulate in the Official Report figures from the EEC farm guarantee budget for 1978 under the heading of cereals, milk and milk powder, butter, beef, sugar, wine, olive oil, tobacco and "other" products, showing, for each projected expenditure, in both European Units of Account and £ sterling equivalents, on intervention purchase, storage, export support, subsidised sales, monetary adjustments and other costs, together with the respective tonnages in each appropriate category.

Mr. John Silkin

The information requested is set out in the table. The figures for appropriations are drawn from the 1978 EEC Budget adopted on 21st December 1977–0J L36 Vol. 21, 6th February 1978. The figures do not therefore take account of later developments. The following notes should be read in conjunction with the table:

1. Monetary appropriations relating to the Guarantee Farm Budget are not divided by

Meua (£ million)
Intervention purchase and storage Export refunds Subsidised sales Other (including agricultural production aids)
Cereals (inc. rice) 126.0 (82.4) 1,114.8 (728.6) 83.6 (54.6) 140.5 (91.8)
Tonnage (tonnes) 7.5 million 12.8 million
Milk Products
(a) Butter 161.0 (105.2) 258.3 (168.8) 448.8 (293.3)
Tonnage (tonnes) 490,000 145,000 411,200(a)
(b) Other inc. Milk and Milk Powder 88.0 (57.5) 745.1 (487.0) 1,223 (799.3) 185.9 (121.5)
Tonnage (tonnes) SMP 780,000 SMP 400,000 SMP 1,750,000
Liquid skimmed milk 7,000,000
Other 30,000 Other (a) Other 300,000
Beef 251.3 (164.2) 92.0 (60.1) 117.5 (76.8)
Tonnage (tonnes) 323,000 150,000
Sugar 2.0 (1.3) 604.9 (395.4) 2.5 (1.6) 203.1 (132.7)
Tonnage (tonnes) 2.6 million
Wine 63.5 (41.5) 2.0 (1.3) 158.8 (103.8)
Olive Oil 15.0 (9.8) 1.0 (0.7) 5.0 (3.3) 267.5 (174.8)
Tobacco 9.2 (6.0) 5.0 (3.3) 223.2 (145.9)
Other 78.5 (51.3) 264.9 (173.1) 33.7 (22.0) 198.4 (129.7)
Conversions to Sterling have been made at the rate of 1.53 EUA=£1.
(a) Excluding certain schemes for which no tonnage figures are available.

commodity and are entered in Title 4 of the EEC Budget as follows:

MEUA £ million
Monetary compensatory amounts
Intra-community trade 846.7 553.4
Extra-community trade 145.9 95.4
Expenditure arising from the application of different exchange rates to the EAGGF Guarantee Section 712.9 465.9

2. Tonnage forecasts have been used where these are available, but in some cases the tonnages quoted relate to only part of the expenditure, the remaining expenditure relating either to items for which no tonnages are available or to unlike items for which totals would be misleading. Tonnage figures in different columns should not be added because that would give rise to double counting.

3. The heading "Intervention Purchase and Storage" includes both public and private storage and the heading "Subsidised Sales" all forms of aid to sale or processing. Export refunds include the cost of refunds on food aid.

4. Purchase costs of intervention stocks are carried in the first place by the intervention organisations. The EEC pays interest on the capial involved and takes or reimburses gains or losses on sale or revaluation. Costs of purchase, withdrawal, treatment, insurance and storage are not separately indicated.

5. It should be noted that the sugar regime provides for levies as well as payments; the levies, totalling 367.8 m EUA, appear as revenue in Chapter 11 of the EEC Budget.