HL Deb 10 May 1978 vol 391 cc1148-50WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

(1) Whether they will give estimates of the numbers of men and of women who are covered by each of the councils established under the Wages Council Act;

(2) Whether they will give for the latest year for which figures are available the numbers of men and of women who have made inquiries about their entitlements under Wages Council regulations and the numbers of those men and of those women who were considered to be "in scope" of Wages Councils;

(3) In how many cases in each year since 1963 the Wages Inspectorate has initiated civil or criminal proceedings under the Wages Councils Acts to secure payment of arrears, and how many of these cases involved underpayment of women; and

(4) Whether they will give for each year since 1963 (i) the numbers of firms inspected by wages inspectors under the Wages Council Act; (ii) the numbers of male and of female employees whose wages were examined; (iii) the number of each sex who received arrears; and (iv) the amount of arrears paid to male and to female employees respectively.


Following is the information. Separate figures for men and women are not available.


Wages Council Approximate No. of workers covered
Aerated Waters (E and W) 18,000
Aerated Waters (Scotland) 1,500
Boot and Shoe Repairing 10,000
Button Manufacturing 4,000
Coffin Furniture and Cerement-Making 600
Corset 16,000
Cotton Waste Reclamation 750
Dressmaking andWomen'sLight Clothing (E and W) 125,000
DressmakingandWomen'sLight Clothing (Scotland) 9,000
Flax and Hemp 2,500
Fur 7,000
General Waste Materials Reclamation 20,000
Hairdressing Undertakings 135,000
Hat, Cap and Millinery (Great Britain) 7,500
Lace Finishing 1,000
Laundry 65,000
Licensed Non-residential Establishment 350,000
Licensed Residential Establishment and Licensed Restaurant 390,000
Linen and Cotton Handkerchief and Household Goods and Linen Piece Goods 6,500
Made-up Textiles 5,500
Ostrich and Fancy Feather and Artificial Flower 750
Perambulator and Invalid Carriage 3,000
Pin, Hook and Eye and Snap Fastener 750
Ready-made and Wholesale Bespoke Tailoring 120,000
Retail Bespoke Tailoring (Great Britain) 7,500
Retail Book selling and Stationery Trades 30,000
Retail Bread and Flour Confectionery Trade (E and W) 62,000
Retail Bread and Flour Confectionery Trade (Scotland) 9,000
Retail Drapery, Outfitting and Foot-wear Trades 400,000
Retail Food Trades (E and W) 300,000
Retail Food Trades (Scotland) 35,000
Retail Furnishing and Allied Trades 200,000
Retail Newsagency, Tobacco and Confectionery Trades (E and W) 85,000
Retail Newsagency, Tobacco and Confectionery Trades(Scotland) 13,000
Road Haulage 210,000
Rope, Twine and Net 5,000
Rubber Proofed Garment Making Industry 1,000
Sack and Bag 2,500
Shirt making 25,000
Toy Manufacturing 30,000
Unlicensed Place of Refreshment 130,000
Wholesale Mantle and Costume 64,000
TOTAL 2,908,350

(2) 296,159 in 1977, of which 219,799 were within scope of wages councils:


Year No. of prosecutions No. of civil proceedings
1977 7 4
1976 7
1975 2 8
1974 2 2
1973 2
1972 2
1971 1
1970 1 3
1969 3
1968 2
1967 3
1966 1 3
1965 1 2
1964 6 1
1963 11


Year No. of firms inspected No. of workers whose wages were examined No. receiving arrears Amount of arrears paid
1963 49,326 277,757 15,151 149,094
1964 48,606 271,344 14,745 161,408
1965 49,827 276,346 15,339 185,993
1966 51,108 282,757 15,720 183,665
1967 49,729 264,115 14,677 181,946
1968 50,905 265,370 13,417 177,930
1969 50,156 271,125 13,052 171,702
1970 53,941 262,279 11,928 157,898
1971 51,593 253,714 11,968 163,747
1972 48,507 235,720 14,414 241,481
1973 46,840 231,070 16,910 306,311
1974 41,376 204,635 15,368 326,826
1975 38,740 198,542 22,604 581,906
1976 31,607 154,475 24,831 940,539
1977 30,930 150,452 26,920 1,588,248